
What is wrong with me?!

Started by February 29, 2012 10:13 AM
30 comments, last by Codeloader_Dev 12 years, 6 months ago

Anyway, does anyone have a good idea for a non-profit organization which would be interesting and possible to start with $1500? Also funny non-profits will due too.

Pay it forward type 3rd world charities are pretty simple to start for fairly cheap and can expand pretty rapidly and can sustain themselves on a pretty small amount of money because the products they donate come from people that were formerly donated to. The only problem is that those aren't really "new" (see: Heifer Project).

Also in the third world, something dealing with a sustainable safe water supply would probably do well.

On a local level it's more difficult because problems in the first world seem to be very localized at their roots. For example, unemployment/homelessness is a problem, but that problem has a different cause and solution in Detroit vs. New York; in contrast to safe water where the problem is that there isn't any safe water and the root cause is just that.

What about an NPO that helps expedite immigration? You could start that up pretty cheaply as it's really just consulting with people.

[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1330522928' post='4917734']
Anyway, does anyone have a good idea for a non-profit organization which would be interesting and possible to start with $1500? Also funny non-profits will due too.

Pay it forward type 3rd world charities are pretty simple to start for fairly cheap and can expand pretty rapidly and can sustain themselves on a pretty small amount of money because the products they donate come from people that were formerly donated to. The only problem is that those aren't really "new" (see: Heifer Project).

Also in the third world, something dealing with a sustainable safe water supply would probably do well.

On a local level it's more difficult because problems in the first world seem to be very localized at their roots. For example, unemployment/homelessness is a problem, but that problem has a different cause and solution in Detroit vs. New York; in contrast to safe water where the problem is that there isn't any safe water and the root cause is just that.

What about an NPO that helps expedite immigration? You could start that up pretty cheaply as it's really just consulting with people.

I like these ideas. Got anymore? I think I'll make a list and just throw the ideas at them until one sticks.

my new goatee.

This, right there, is your problem.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Honestly, there are not enough atheist girls out there and I'm starting to think I need to just pretend I'm one of the flock if I ever want to be happy.

Aren't you in Texas? The atheist population is a bit higher on each coast.

As for the original topic, it might be a good idea to work with the team and come up with a clever money raising scheme to supplement your income.
So, you have a group made up of people with skills in very different areas, and you're complaining that they don't know off hand knowledge specific to your area?

I'm not sure what the point of the project is (seems odd to group together people with entirely different skills, when ultimately you'll have to pick something based on one thing or another - though maybe that is the point, to see how well you can work in such situations), but it would seem that if you want to do something related to computers, it's your job to communicate your knowledge to the others.

Of course, judging by the other thread, you think they're incapable of being as good simply because of their gender, based on what you think their brains look like, and the comments in this post just confirms it further.

What class is this anyway? I guess I'm not used to the US system, but it seems strange in itself to have a class with people doing different majors, and then having it something that contributes to your final grade (if it does?). So I'm not saying the setup you've been given is particularly great - but nonetheless, it doesn't help to assume people in different fields know or are interested in the same things you are. They're probably as frustrated as you are. And if they're really expecting you to do all the work, well at least you can go ahead and pick your open source idea... - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1330522696' post='4917732']
my new goatee.

This, right there, is your problem.
[/quote]Hahahaha... I was going to say that smile.png

That young woman seems to have ideas which aren't all bad. What's wrong with a non-profit organization growing organic food? You can rent a thousand square meters here for 50 per month if you go a bit rural (and ground is very, very expensive here!), so assuming half of the 1,500 go into rent, that will be enough for 1 1/4 years.

I don't consider growing organic food with a non-profit organization any more stupid than running an open source organization. Even more so as you've stated yourself that 2/3 of the population (though admittedly the sample size is a bit small) doesn't even know what it is. laugh.png
Seriously though, the same 2/3 would surely be very happy about being able to buy organic food at an affordable non-profit rate.

p.s.: Can I date that girl?
Try to see their bikini lineup and get a C. Lesson to be learned isn't non-profit organization funding. But profitable interaction organized in the bedroom. You're in college. You're not just there to stare at books you know!

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


I would suggest them to make an erotic calender and donate the profits to a local animal shelter.
I like this. Maybe not erotic. But washing cars, swimmimng, exercising. yoga. Yes, do it all in Powerpoint and you'll have best project with zero funding. And you'll learn how to be a great photographer at the end as well. LOL.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


I think the only thing I can do is to shoot for a C and ask the really hot girl out on a date, but I get the feeling I'll get shot down and end up failing the project which means I fail the entire class since it's an SLO

Life is short and you're only 23 for a year. Go for it. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain. You don't want to look back and say "what if...?". I can't give you any pick up advice since I'm rotten at it, so... good luck!

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