Then, you experience the world from another person's perspective, with his memories/feelings/etc.
That's why I'm nice to other people. Cuz I'm just as much me as I am them.
Aside from the CPU analogy, that's a really old and common belief
When we use the word "self", we're often referring to the data that's controlled by your Thread, but really our true selves are the Threads themselves, which when purged of their data are without identity. All the threads themselves live inside the CPU, which is the supreme impersonal self of us all.
The CPU might be called
Brahman and your Thread called
I generally disagree with the dualist notion that a person's mind is made up of a physical part that is influenced by a spirit, and instead believe the mind can be understood with a purely physical explanation...
However, I do believe in the two levels of self -- the lower-self that we identify with on a day-to-day basis, and the higher-self that is an impatial observer at our core or 'soul'. I also feel that all of these souls/threads/atman are all fractured views of the one god/CPU/brahman.
...which means, that yes, although the statement "
I am not him" is true when talking about the lower self, it is false when talking about the higher-self. My atman is connected to your atman, and at some other point, I am your atman. So any acts that affect
you now, also affect
me at some other point.
@Promit - The point of this isn't to be an irrational pompous sophisticate making stuff up, it's about altering your world view to make your life and the world a little bit better. The motto of philosophy and religion both should be
"Life is shit, how can we be happy anyway?".
The Buddha quote of "
life is suffering" is actually a bad translation -- a more accurate translation IMO would be "
life is a ride on a wagon with one bumpy wheel, so bring a cushion and deal with it!".