quote: Original post by savagerx
After Sun microsystem introduced JAVA donkey years ago, more and more developers(in IT sector esp.) has begun to use JAVA to make their own applications espically for web-based app. because it''s fast and easy. There are also news that developers will be able to create ".EXE" files on JAVA 1.4! and on top of that, Sun is trying to develop Game APIs for JAVA.
The points are:
(1)whether will JAVA take over C++ to becoming
the next main General Purpose Language?
(2)how does that affect the type of language used
to make games?
(3)IF that''s the case, does it implies that we
may have to drop C++ and pick up JAVA?
I sincerely seek advice from the Pros.
The road may be long, wind may be rough. But with a will at heart, all shall begone. ~savage chant
C and C++ are the fastest languages next to writing in Assembly or machine code. Java has it''s uses and C++ has it''s.