A pre-built binary installer for Mac would be nice. So would an up to date Windows one!
Sadly, open source projects often have more limited resources than multi-million corporations.
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Since when do opinions belong in marketing materials?" -- The page you were looking at was a FAQ more than marketing. The SDK is free, I can't afford a marketing team.
[/font]Stemming from ignorance? I don't think so. JIT requires extra time for the initial compilation, loading up bunch of stuff, etc.
'Close enough' is just not good enough for me. My philosophy is why should the code run anything more than what you're trying to do?
I saw your article on your blog where you lament about how slow today's software is on today's machine compared to older software on older machines.
It's precisely because of the industry's trends into 'Close enoughs', VM, managed code, and all the like. I guess all that is part of programmers' laziness
STL-like algorithms? eC has got some nice containers with link lists and self-balanced binary trees and such.
Lambdas -- Will have to get those some day but it's not easy to implement in a C based language.
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]
",,,have worked their way into pretty much every modern language. Except yours. Why is this? " -- Simply because that wasn't where the focus was.
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But the Ecere SDK remains a great SDK to build small GUI and graphics apps.