Sorry if it's mess.
But i'm questioning the world.. Why there are so few games which are not trying to look like real materials based on?
Please, don't talk about "just cel-shading" - yes there are tons of cel-shaded game but there are just usual graphics with outlines.
I can remember only two games with interesting visual approach.
Killer 7
There is great work with colours and gradients which are changed dynamically, if you remember.
El Shaddai
It has wide variety of styles.
Well, for example, there is also a level from Psychonauts
And i forgot MadWorld, ok.
So, if you remember, in 80s - 90s 2D games, artists used limited palette - they used painting principes.
The question is not only "Where are?". but also it would be great if you'd talk about methods and ways what could be done?
Maybe smth without cel-shading at all, maybe some other ideas.
You know, there is a photo and a drawing.
99% 3D games tend to be a photo.. Something is wrong