Since i'm developing for android, i'm forced to use java (yes, i can use the ndk, but it is far too much effort for the needed results), i'm memory bound and the less i use the cpu the better(i don't want my app to drain all the battery).
I'm first developing a 1 vs 1 situation, but i would like to improve it to be a X vs Y in future(not strictly related to this topic, but please keep this in mind when responding. I prefer expandable and maintainable code overs strict efficiency).
I have D = A + B + C entities(the real player controls A entities, the enemy controls B, and there are C unallocated entities). A player wins when all the opposite entities are killed, so even with 1 remaining entity, if the opposite player doesn't control any more, the player wins.
Since an entity can perform 2 actions, one on the enemy entities and one on the unallocated entities, so each choice/node has a branching of B + C
This leads to a big growth of a possible choices-tree.
In addition, in my game cyclic states can appear (cyclic state = you are in state A. You and the enemy do a some actions, and then you are again in state A). I would like to avoid this, even letting the AI do not-the-best-suited-move.
In addition i would like the AI not always to perform the best guessed action, but to randomly choose with a given distribution between the best e.g. 5 possible moves(obviously i need to find the 5 best possible moves, i can code the choice on my own
And the AI will have a maximum set of time to make its choice(that thus will probably be not the best one, but the better it can find in the give time).
I read about minmax and alpha-beta pruning, but i don't know if it can be the best algorithm for my case, if it is memory or processor hungry, if it can provide the best X moves and not only the best one, and it can be extended to work with more player..
In addition i don't know if it is heavier to reconstruct the tree each turn or to keep it in memory..
Useful resources, maybe with implementations details or code, would be really appreciated
A possible tree