I'm interested about engines (and possible other components, but primarily engines) and their corelation to the car's "quality". I'm interested in two ascpects:
* how it works in reality
* how it can be simplified for the purpose of a game
I guess speed and fuel efficiency are the two primary stats.
Fact from the real world I found so far:
- the key for high speed is the ratio of total car's weight to the HP of the engine (especially for early cars around year 1900)
- aerodynamic forces that affect a car is the square of the speed (but I read about it in the context of fuel efficiency for heavy trucks, no clue how it relate to the max speed)
For the purpose of the game the simpliest formula could be: speed = total weight (chasis+body+engine) / engine HP. And the customers would pay depending on it. Of course I would prefer something more realistic