I've just been brainstorming and have come up with a nice little game idea which really inspires me to spend my spare time programming and I was wandering if you would give me any feedback on it.
I started brainstorming with five attributes I wanted to put in the game:
Cellular Automata (if you do not know what it is just think of the Game Of Life)
Artificial Intelligence (I haven't really messed about with AI yet and I really want to write something involving it)
Algorithms (because I need to catch up with my maths)
Society (more of an idea for the game than a attribute)
and finally...
with these five things I managed to come up with three base game ideas:
Communism Simulation (not exactly a game but communism just interests me at the moment)
Society Simulation (Like an interactive simulation like the Sims or something)
Natural Selection Cellular automata.
Now I know these 3 ideas sound boring but I've managed to pile them up into one Idea.
Let me talk you through it.
My idea for this game would be a interactive, real-time simulation type game in which you are in control of bunch of Cells (humans).
Each of these cells has in built AI and interacts independently within the world which is also built using Cellular Automata (regrowth of trees etc).
These cells can interact with each other and do thinks like construct houses from wood they have chopped down in which to house their baby cells (Offspring).
These cells would also hold lots of different attributes that would effect the way other cells interact with them for example:
one cell has a higher intelligence rate passed down from the mother and father cells (or just one of them) in which will attract more following cells that will take instructions from the intelligent cell.
I'm really not explaining this well...
Say for instance you spawn a new random world with attributes you have already set like initial population and amount of trees in the environment and animals etc.
In which you could spawn 2 cells (one male one female) with default attributes or set attributes (like setting the females attractiveness higher) but these attributes would be interactive meaning you could change them at any time and are also changed by what happens in the simulation for instance one cell gets older and its attractiveness attribute lowers.
The cells would have real world rules when it comes to sex and reproduction or no rules at all (French) in which the society may or may not fail because the offspring would be inbred unless you were to change the rule in which in-breading is possible (lots of strange stuff like that).
You could start a population of cells that have a small intelligence level and watch them learn with each other right before your eyes.
The game would incorporate natural selection if that mode is selected. The cells would be able to form societies and their own rules inside the society or have a society that has already been set as a capitalist society or communist etc. the cells could build their own towns and live inside them or the player could instantly create a town and watch the cells look at it and ponder of what all this fancy technology is.
The thing I like about this Idea is that (to me) it seems almost endless possibility and I would love to make it as well.
For instance a simulation of survival of the fittest to a simulation of an unstable society all in one game.
So what do you think of this idea? I would appreciate any kind of feedback
Oh and also, does a game or simulation similar to this already exist?(just so I can see how they have done it)