
GameDev Chat Nazis

Started by January 08, 2012 07:47 PM
32 comments, last by jpetrie 12 years, 8 months ago
considering that the ops do MUCH worse stuff, that I wont even list here, this is barely on the radar.
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
There's the difference between taking part in piracy (e.g., posting links to a site with pirated material), and talking about it as a topic.

Indeed, if the discussion was already about SOPA, then why was that allowed? Well, I'll remember not to go to this chat. - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

I'm not sure if I ever went in chat, but every single forum thread I ever read about it made me want to stay away. It sounds like a real cliquey place where the regulars talk about what they want and the mods enjoy the small amount of power a little too much.

As I say, that's only from reading forum posts, so apologies if it's inaccurate. Is it?

Also - if you get kicked without being told why, that's just daft. The mod who kicks you should make sure to explain why. Do they?
I don't have time to burn in chats, unluckily, so my knowledge of what's politically correct to say in these is admittedly limited. But what's the point, anyway?

If someone says he has a terabyte of downloaded stuff, presumably illegal.... who cares? Aren't there any more serious problems? rolleyes.gif

Unless of course, that's only half of the story, as it often happens...

I'm not sure if I ever went in chat, but every single forum thread I ever read about it made me want to stay away. It sounds like a real cliquey place where the regulars talk about what they want and the mods enjoy the small amount of power a little too much.

As I say, that's only from reading forum posts, so apologies if it's inaccurate. Is it?

It works how any group of people work; if you've been their a while the rules tend to get relaxed because over that time you've got to know people, become friends and generally get along with each other. This doesn't stop the long time people being kicked/banned however and it does happen but generally like any community once you've been there a while the rules and the attitudes tend to adjust.

What you tend to see in forum posts are people who turn up, act like an ass/jerk or try to dictate to the existing community how things are done and are thus removed for that reason. I've not been in for some time now but over the years I did go in plenty of people joined, got to know the community and made friends with people and generally fitted in; heck I was one of those people when I first joined and then over the years became an op.

Yes the ops do sometimes play with people but those are either people who get the joke (such as persistant kicking people with stupid message, or ops kicking each other for the lulz) or idiots who are often warned... and whats life without a bit of fun? But I'm as yet to see anyone banned for no reason at all even if I've come close before now just because someone was bothering me and not breaking the rules effort to require it....

Also - if you get kicked without being told why, that's just daft. The mod who kicks you should make sure to explain why. Do they?

Normally the reason is in the kick message... some people fail to understand this or understand that a kick is the warning... sometimes a quick kick-ban-unban is used due to auto-rejoin making a mockery of kicks.

Basically #gamedev is a community like any other; the regulars get more perks but then that's just how things work everywhere. If you aren't a jerk you won't get removed. Simple really.
Here, this chatroom is far friendlier:
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!

[quote name='d000hg' timestamp='1326140416' post='4901053']
I'm not sure if I ever went in chat, but every single forum thread I ever read about it made me want to stay away. It sounds like a real cliquey place where the regulars talk about what they want and the mods enjoy the small amount of power a little too much.

As I say, that's only from reading forum posts, so apologies if it's inaccurate. Is it?

It works how any group of people work; if you've been their a while the rules tend to get relaxed because over that time you've got to know people, become friends and generally get along with each other. This doesn't stop the long time people being kicked/banned however and it does happen but generally like any community once you've been there a while the rules and the attitudes tend to adjust.

What you tend to see in forum posts are people who turn up, act like an ass/jerk or try to dictate to the existing community how things are done and are thus removed for that reason. I've not been in for some time now but over the years I did go in plenty of people joined, got to know the community and made friends with people and generally fitted in; heck I was one of those people when I first joined and then over the years became an op.

Yes the ops do sometimes play with people but those are either people who get the joke (such as persistant kicking people with stupid message, or ops kicking each other for the lulz) or idiots who are often warned... and whats life without a bit of fun? But I'm as yet to see anyone banned for no reason at all even if I've come close before now just because someone was bothering me and not breaking the rules effort to require it....

Also - if you get kicked without being told why, that's just daft. The mod who kicks you should make sure to explain why. Do they?

Normally the reason is in the kick message... some people fail to understand this or understand that a kick is the warning... sometimes a quick kick-ban-unban is used due to auto-rejoin making a mockery of kicks.

Basically #gamedev is a community like any other; the regulars get more perks but then that's just how things work everywhere. If you aren't a jerk you won't get removed. Simple really.
[/quote]But kicking someone the moment they infringe a banned topic is silly. The adult thing is to tell them "this topic isn't allowed, you will be kicked"... and ideally explain why.

But kicking someone the moment they infringe a banned topic is silly. The adult thing is to tell them "this topic isn't allowed, you will be kicked"... and ideally explain why.

A kick isn't akin to a ban - it's more like a warning, as there is nothing to stop you rejoining immediately (and many clients do so automatically). It seems like a fairly friendly way to tell someone they are being an ass, just as long as everyone knows the convention, which I guess is the issue in question here.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

While I was not in during this occurance, the channel is actually ran rather well. There is an alternative, which is #gamedev on freenode, however, I think you would agree that this channel is much better.

A kick isn't akin to a ban - it's more like a warning

Shh, don't reveal the secrets or they'll excommunicate you. sad.png

I hear they eat beginners there and feed on their souls. This one time Washu quized someone to death about C++. It's a dark place.

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