
GameDev Chat Nazis

Started by January 08, 2012 07:47 PM
32 comments, last by jpetrie 12 years, 8 months ago
Just a title to get attention but erm, logged in as Project7 in chat. Talk was about SOPA.
My comment "downloading music apparently gets RIA on you"
next comment by me "Yet here I sit with 1 TB of such data"
Since when can you Kickban someone while in the middle of writing.
Had the person who shall remain nameless for their idiocy waited for the rest of my comment my next line was :
"Of Music I have backed up from old school hiphop, rnb for the last god knows how many years and that cant be shared yet we would all do the same with the physical content - its a joke"

Meh I mainly use the Forums here anyways but was a bit puzzled someone would do a KB especially as Id been in there most of the day just generally talking.
We don't run the gamedev chat anymore so we don't control any of the policy issues that are set there.

Moving this to the lounge..
ah okay, apologies. This thread can be deleted then. Thanks for the fast reply.
The rules should be strictly followed. It's important to not make jokes about them and to be extremely clear when writing. A copy of the rules is available in the MOTD for the channel and here's a link. Bans are only like 24 hours. It's not a big deal unless you're lamered.

Also notice the logs. You typed 2 lines after that.
I don't go to the chat at all, but there's nothing in the rules that warranted him being kicked or banned.

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I don't go to the chat at all, but there's nothing in the rules that warranted him being kicked or banned.

Piracy is strictly forbidden in the channel. "Warez talk is not allowed in the channel."

Also what's hilarious is he was kicked by one of the nicest moderators. laugh.png
Wow. That's strict.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


You'd almost think piracy was a touchy subject among gamedev or something crazy like that.
But, no no, clearly we're getting ready to invade Russia in winter. Because that's much more reasonable!

Also notice the logs. You typed 2 lines after that.

Looking at the log, it would look as if you were pretty much done with the statement.dry.png
You weren't banned, you were merely removed from the channel temporarily for running afoul of the (admittedly inconsistently applied) rule about discussing digital piracy. It's a really light disciplinary action meant to get a point across more than anything. Brush it off.
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