
Using C++ Winforms in an ASP.NET WebApplication?

Started by December 26, 2011 03:42 PM
-1 comments, last by KazenoZ 12 years, 11 months ago

First of all, I apologize if this sounds a little unexperienced, but I just have no clue on the matter and Google is not doing much to help.

I have this program I made in C++'s .NET WinForms, on VS, and I'd like to try and move the program to a web based approach, rather than executable distribution. Nowm I'm new to ASP.NET, using the Visual Web Developer, and from a little bit of expirmenting I could see that there's no way to directly add an existing winform to the application and have it work, which is understandable, but I did also see that it does support C# winforms.

My question is divided in 2 for this reason; Is there a way to just import a C++ Winform object to ASP.NET that I'm not aware of? If not, I'm pretty sure there must be some way to be able to import a C++ winform to C#, right? If that's possible, would it be possible to use it as a middlepoint sort of thing to import onto and export as a C# winform that I'd then be able to import to the ASP web application?

Or maybe I'm just completely off and none of this is possible and the only way is to rewrite everything?

Thanks alot for any comments.

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