I’m currently working on a ww2 tank game that has a towerdefense style battle at the end of each level.
A quick over-view would be the player drives the tank aroundto rescue supply convoys, and in the process acquires points to upgrade theirbase. The final stage of each level has a large enemy force attack the playerbase.
I feel the mechanics for the “rescue” portion of the gameare solid, but the defense part is lackluster.
If anyone is willing to share some ideas for how to make agreat tower defense, it would be greatly appreciated.
Here are a few pics with notes on how the game plays so far.
The main camera view is a chase right now, but It could change for the TD battles.
Here is a close up of the base the player defends.
It's just a square with one open end. I don't really know if it would be better to have large open areas around the base or have the player try to route the enemy through specific paths. ..the latter makes more sense strategically, but would it be more fun?
There is a bit more info on the game here: http://floppyent.com/floppyen_devblog/
Thanks for any input.