That's completely insane, you can't make 2 completely different prototypes to see if 2D or 3D is better
[quote name='Radnen' timestamp='1324704074' post='4897012']I guess I'll prototype the two styles see which I like best and go from there. Prototyping I have came to find out is going to be my best friend.
I uhh, think you're a tad bit crazy? I mean, the game will always be in 2D. But the question was to use 3D models or not. As in I've thus far prototyped just a 2D scene. I think anyone can do tat without too much effort or resources.
Okay I guess you need to see what kind of game I'm making. I'll attach a screenshot. This is with a 3D model, and I like it. My brother and I are the only developers and we have zero money to spend. But, I have used a top down 2D image and while the game can still be fun I think players will enjoy seeing more than one face when they control their spaceship. This approach is graphic intensive but I want to relive those old era of space games that weren't 100% 3D. I found completely 3D games to be complex or confusing and you saw too much cockpit and not enough spaceship and more often than not have some technical issues with rendering or graphics cards.
Prototyping made this a reality, btw. (Yes the ship is too big and the cursor almost too small, but that'll all get softened out later).