
PvE Sandbox MMO

Started by November 26, 2011 03:09 AM
14 comments, last by SumDude 13 years ago
I'll post a reply here since more than one person involved in the discussion and it is still somewhat on topic.

I was going to assume that the Bejewled comment was for comic value more than anything but I thought it was better to point out the fact that such analogies don't work when the subjects are so dissimilar.

In my previous post I was trying to outline some of the benefits a PvP system can bring, I was not saying that without PvP the game would fail merely that it may be a better game if included. Like Caldenfor and Sun pointed out you can have a PvP system that doesn't involve harassment or griefing in any way.

And lightens the load on the designers? Uh ... not sure if you follow updates to most popular games out there but the MMORPG's that have PVP are still and have constantly been attempting to balance skills in PVP for years. Not sure if you consider that a lightened load for the designers?[/quote]

It lightens the load of the designer to create new content, one, if not the, biggest drain on the developer after launch. Look at the rate at which MMORPGs release PvE content compared to PvP content. The difference is huge and most importantly the majority of players don't mind. Balancing skills can, in a smaller MMORPG with little emphasis on PvP, be done by a much smaller team (maybe even one or two people) instead of the huge teams needed to make new content. If implemented in this project then they may not even need a full time team, there are no real classes to cause the balance issues you see in most MMORPGs. So yes PvP is significantly less demanding on a designer than say PvE.

To be honest the amount of time and effort a developer put into balancing is entirely down to them. A certain MMORPG has over emphasized balancing in a particular way which I think is the reason most people view it as such a monumental task.

As for your remark on EQ; I'm sure that people enjoyed the game in part because it has some form of PvP in it at launch.

You seem to be assuming that there is only PvE and PvP possible. But there are more options. For example, Minecraft Creative Mode, neither PvE nor PvP :) Also there are some player interaction mechanics that are not PvP in a strict sense, for example "pickup & deliver" or "majority control" or "auction". Check this for more: http://www.boardgame...ardgamemechanic

That's interesting. I never considered the non-combat interactions one has with a game world to be separate from PvE, because I was thinking of gathering and crafting as part of the whole "man vs. nature" conflict. But it might make for clearer theorizing and communication to separate that sort of thing from PvE.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

I read the rest of your post. A fair bit of it is made up of opinions/theories some of which I agree with and some I don't, I won't really comment on them since I guess you want feedback of the game itself.

The economic section seems OK. How will resources work though? By that I mean will players need to directly compete over them or will everyone have their own resources out in the world. I am also never fond of the disposable armour system but it seems you're having housing fill the role items usually play in an MMORPG.

The housing is where I see a problem. You talk a lot about the world being dynamic, things changes and the main way they change is players building house which are then destroyed by rampant mobs. My impression is was that there will be a fair amount of big sweeping changes with mobs overrunning cities. I wouldn't advise this become a regular occurrence (even once every couple of months). Players can deal with slow changes, maybe even enjoy them, but large sweeping changes, such as losing their house they spent 4 months on in the space of a day or two, is what will cause players to give up and leave the game.

The fact you have little direct control over your hostile NPCs also makes me think that you will end up with what is basically griefing but in this case the grief comes from the AI/designer not another player. It's important that you do have full control over the AI so you don't have to recode everything is its obvious the players will never be able to win. If done well the player will never know you are pulling the strings at times but the game will feel like a game and not an experiment.

I read the rest of your post. A fair bit of it is made up of opinions/theories some of which I agree with and some I don't, I won't really comment on them since I guess you want feedback of the game itself.

The economic section seems OK. How will resources work though? By that I mean will players need to directly compete over them or will everyone have their own resources out in the world. I am also never fond of the disposable armour system but it seems you're having housing fill the role items usually play in an MMORPG.

The housing is where I see a problem. You talk a lot about the world being dynamic, things changes and the main way they change is players building house which are then destroyed by rampant mobs. My impression is was that there will be a fair amount of big sweeping changes with mobs overrunning cities. I wouldn't advise this become a regular occurrence (even once every couple of months). Players can deal with slow changes, maybe even enjoy them, but large sweeping changes, such as losing their house they spent 4 months on in the space of a day or two, is what will cause players to give up and leave the game.

The fact you have little direct control over your hostile NPCs also makes me think that you will end up with what is basically griefing but in this case the grief comes from the AI/designer not another player. It's important that you do have full control over the AI so you don't have to recode everything is its obvious the players will never be able to win. If done well the player will never know you are pulling the strings at times but the game will feel like a game and not an experiment.

If you are referring to gear breaking through use I strongly encourage it. I think it helps make the economies more functional if equipment is constantly going in and out of the world. It needs to be balanced properly though.

If you are referring to gear breaking through use I strongly encourage it. I think it helps make the economies more functional if equipment is constantly going in and out of the world. It needs to be balanced properly though.

Aye that I was. It's more a personal thing since I have come to associate gear with the huge amount of effort you (can) put into getting it. I agree that when done right it can improve the economic side of the game.
You know, I hear a lot about PvP and various "flagging" and "agreeing" for limiting PvP griefing.

PvP in MMO's is a great way to stretch content for people who quickly consume it. PvP offers a constant challenge for players to enjoy.

Why don't Sandbox MMO's have a specific faction that players can join that maintain a "neutral" status in the world of the game? Every player can start in this faction and eventually choose to leave when they want a PvP experience, or if they don't want PvP, they can choose to stay within that faction with no affect on their game play.

The benefits:

1. No flagging system requirement.
2. Players cannot abuse a flagging system to quickly flag, then deflag.
3. Creates a sense of community for the PvE folks of the game.
4. Dedicated PvPers are granted to be PvP.

The only real downside that I can see with the system is players that want to PvP, but have a PvE guild. But, chances are that those people wouldn't be playing the game anyways if it were only PvE.
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