
Administrator question - Java, Reader, Flash and updates

Started by November 16, 2011 01:01 AM
-1 comments, last by shawnre 12 years, 10 months ago
Hello all,

General question for any admins out there, how do you handle Java, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, etc. updates? We have recently changed our internal user privilege levels from being in the admin groups down to just user levels. Granted, it was a change that should have been made long ago (not a thread to discuss that issue), but it has now raised the issue of how to administer updates for other than MS Windows (obviously handled by WSUS). Just curious what others utilize. I have made a couple of scripts myself that seem to work (in a testing environment). While I say they work, it requires some work to set up and also make exceptions to (ie people working late).

Do you use Group Policy to perform updates? Utilize scripts? Curious and looking for a better way than visiting each individual machine in order to perform updates. Domain environment is predominantly XP users (209 machines with only about 10 running Windows 7 right now), Server 2008 R2 (virtual via VMWare). Any ideas/suggestions (especially if you can provide links to efficient ways to accomplish) would be appreciated.



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