
Gamedev medical advice thread

Started by November 14, 2011 08:09 PM
15 comments, last by Krohm 12 years, 9 months ago

Totally uninformed, unscientific advice: unless you're pregnant or a lot younger than your join date would suggest, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless it kills you outright, mercury is primarily a developmental hazard. On the other hand, if you are pregnant or live with someone pregnant, then you should probably get more educated response.

That sounds about right to me; given the upper bound on my acute symtoms (if they are indeed mercury related), I dont think I will take any permanent damage. Though thats more of an inbetween the lines impression than anything I can back up with data.

Ah snap, seriously? This topic has 4 posts in it and I happened to respond to the duplicate thread that has no posts?

Yeah, sorry about that. My browser froze and I clicked back four times; I would have expected GD to guard against this, and I dont see how I can delete my own duplicates.
By the way, I dont quite understand how the safe Time Weighted Average is something like 25micrograms / m3, whereas 1 milligram / m3 is supposed to give you like, instant AIDS and whatnot.

I would suppose the rate of solution into your bodily fluids is pretty much proportional to concentration, and since its halflife is on the order of months, one hour @ 1mg/m3 should yield the same amount of long term AIDS as a full work week at the supposedly long term safe 0.025 mg/m3.


[quote name='Cornstalks' timestamp='1321303615' post='4883926']
Ah snap, seriously? This topic has 4 posts in it and I happened to respond to the duplicate thread that has no posts?

Yeah, sorry about that. My browser froze and I clicked back four times; I would have expected GD to guard against this, and I dont see how I can delete my own duplicates.

It's cool, looks like a mod merged the threads.
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dry cough with some bloody pleghm

Probably not even related to the mercury, but bloody pleghm can be a serious symptom.

If you start experiencing any of these definitely see a dr (if you don't see one anyway).

If I were you I probably wouldn't worry about it. I've had those bulbs break before and I am still alive.
However, consider the following scenario: I bought two CFL's; one had a cracked layer of glass, but as far as I could tell only in the outer cosmetic layer. The coiled up glass containing the mercury seemed fine
As a side note: maybe it's just me but I'd rather not put AC on anything that is not clearly, perfectly manufactured to standards, even if the defects look mostly cosmetic.

Is it time for a cake joke? Not really...

Previously "Krohm"

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