Any newbies need help? Try this.
It seems like there are a million questions on this board that go like this "I want to get started on DirectDraw/Direct3D, where do I begin?"
This is a perfectly good question considering DX has some hefty initilization. For me, the worst thing about the init part of starting up was the enumeration of all the crap. This is especialy true if you are trying to get started with D3DIM. With D3DIM you need to know a Driver GUID, a Device, a Z-buff format, and a display mode. Defaults can be hard coded, but that is usually not a very good solution. If you don''t want all the settings hard coded, then you are left with several layers of lists for all these things, and that can be a pain to manage, and required quite a lot of code.
To make things easier for the newbies, and for use in my own programs, I decided to take a few hours and make a program that does all the enumeration, a displays it all in combo boxes. The settings can easily be selected, and they are saved the registry for later use.
I am sure this has been done many times before (and I''ve seen it in games) but I would like to offer it, along with the source code, and a header file so that newbies can get the info out of the registry without knowing a thing about how my program works.
If you would like a copy of it, or are just interested in hearing more about it, let me know.
I will have it up on my web site in about a week if you want to check it out there, or contact me, and I''ll send you a copy.
Pseudo Pragma
ICQ UIN: 10076314
It is programmed in MFC. The code for all the DX enumeration is in seperate files, and contains no MFC code. The MFC is used just for the user interface. The code for saving/loading the settings are also contained the seperated files that don''t use MFC. I did it this way so all you have to do is add the header and cpp for the registry stuff to your project, and then you will have access to the settings.
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