In computers we say: does not compute.
If fan spins up, something pegs the CPU. Use Process Explorer to find which process or thread it is when it happens.
Haven't formatted yet. Ok I did that: winamp, few folders and copying files from another folder to one at the same time.. I tried morrowind on fullscreen, the fps dropped again and had weird lag, when fps was normal it sometimes was like "warping" forward but fps stayed normal. but when I played on windowed it ran smooth the whole time.
Here's a screenshot, my system is in Finnish but the window at left top corner tab reads "Prosessit" which is "Processes" in english ( 'raw translation' )
and "Järjestelmän vapaaprosessi" is in raw translation 'System freeprocess' (dont know the right translation).
edit: "Suoritin" = "Processor"
But yes, in windowed mode: everything seems fine. In fullscreen mode: not.
Same happened with Call of Duty Modern Warfare
So.. my GPU is acting up?
edit2: "Järjestelmän vapaaprosessi" is in raw translation 'System freeprocess' is all the time +80 under processor. is that normal?