
Youtube Video - Acting

Started by November 08, 2011 05:56 PM
2 comments, last by nytician 12 years, 10 months ago
The Video

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[color="#383F41"][font="Arial, sans-serif"]I've done acting for a while now, but never really done much for Youtube, so I apologise for the seemingly random idea.[/font]
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But do you think I should make more of these kind of sketches, and add to my Youtube account?

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I love doing it and would like to continue but I guess its just a leap of faith as to whether people will like what I make.

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Anyway constructive criticism welcomed!

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Simply awful, stop making those immediately! j/k

The cuts between persons having dialogue needs to be sharpened up a bit.
I also think the patients were a bit too similar to the doc, maybe if they were even stranger looking, or with more different (insaner) manners of speech.
It needs more dark humour or bizarre events.

There's room for improvement, but overall I think it's a cool idea, that can definitely be developed on. If nothing else for getting some female youtubbie fans!
It is I, the spectaculous Don Karnage! My bloodthirsty horde is on an intercept course with you. We will be shooting you and looting you in precisely... Ten minutes. Felicitations!
Haha thanks for your comments I agree about those bits too! Im unlikely to recreate prehaps this video but I will work on making it more polished and with darker humour ;). Aside from this I have to ask heh: What do you mean by it appealing to female fans xD ( not that I mind ofc!)

New video up now:

I think its better than the first, but its all a learning curve. ;)

Enjoy, tell me what you think of this one.


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