is 13andincrediblycut Andy Harglesis ?
Edit: Looks like his posts were removed so this post might look a bit out of place, might make this thread cleaner if this post and fastcalls were removed aswell.
What a scripting language?
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
is 13andincrediblycut Andy Harglesis ?
My guess? 13andincrediblycut == Andy Harglesis == SWQUEENIFY == nes8bit.
[quote name='ApochPiQ' timestamp='1319763591' post='4877740']
Well, if you want to be pedantic, game development only requires assembly language. Or machine code. Or a magnetized needle and a steady hand ;-)
Of course, nobody says you have to do this; if you have ample time or just prefer doing everything low-level, that's perfectly fine. There are still people (few and far between, granted) who write games entirely in assembly language.
ok. so what is a scripting language? i still don understand. and why use it if you have a programming language and API? of all the stuff you wrote it had little to nothing to do with how, what or why i use scirpting language. very unhelfupl.
"[color="#1c2837"]The idea of using a scripting language is to let you do a large part of the game in a way that doesn't make you think about irrelevant details."
so what is a "large part"? and what do you consider "irrelevant"?
The simplest example is many of the scripting languages you dont have to define a variable before you use it.
Simply by doing the assignment namx="thisisnametext" the value is set to the data type and any further use will process
it as the obvious type (string in this case) unless specificly overridden (ex - like you want to print the hex of the bytes in the string).
That saves a programmer from having to look somewhere else first for the variables type before they know what they are doing with
that variable.
Some scripting languages let you then later assign that same variable to a value of a different type (namex=42) and just change the data behind it and adjust the type accordingly (now a number or and integer type). This can allow alot of flexibility in parameteres being passed when languages with static variable types require static parameters (usually)
Some of the scripting languages even allow you to set a variable to an equation/function that is processed only later when the variables value is used (a synthetic variable) .which can have its uses for certain processing methods (the logic itself is stored as data) .
Many scripting languages special 'sandbox' features that limit complexity and possible sideeffects.
Many of the scripting langauages dont have arrays so indexing is gone (and running off the end of the array is gone)
Not having GOTO statements means no infinite loops
A FOREACH statement gets rid of common 'off by one' errors dealing with FOR statement indexes
(FOREACH usually are used to traverse variables of type LIST and the user doesnt have to care about endcases of empty lists or what the count_size of the list is etc... )
Low level access to bits/bytes/pointers is often missing and the language looks more like pseudo-code which is easier to interpret by less experienced programmers
(and content programmers 'scripters' replicating common game logic forms when creating quests or behaviors or game mechanics rules)
When alot of the programming is cookie cutter substitutions a simpler language has fewer GOTCHAs/complications that need to be patched.
--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact
The troll has been gently relocated to its native land (Banland, in case you were wondering).
I think we can close this one.
I think we can close this one.
Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]
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