
Breeding my childs

Started by January 08, 2000 12:31 PM
1 comment, last by Akura 25 years, 2 months ago
Hi im doing a game where teh creatures reproduce (like creatures or sometihng) i was wondering if it is correct to assign special charracteristic (like extra strnght, agility, etc) to the childs (of course after computing results and all) since the game is based basicly in the ''monsters'' capabilities it should be wrong not to do it, but is not very realistic of it... what do you guys think ?? bruno sousa - akura
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
If those are the only stats the creatures have then that is all you can work with.
To make the system more rounded you could generate the child stats based on the distribution of the parent''s .
For example, you have two Orc parents, one has
Strength 9/10
Agility 4/10
Intelligence 2/10
the other has
Strength 7/10
Agility 6/10
Intelligence 4/10
So overall the total stats of the parents are
Str : 16
Agi : 10
Int : 6
If you intend to give an Orc child 10 points between their stats then 16/32 (32 being the total number of points the parents have between them) of the ten points is given to strength 10/32 of the 10 points is given to agility and 6/32 of the 10 points is given to intelligence
This gives a child with attributes of
Strength : 5
Agility : 3
Intelligence : 2
Which is a reasonable comparison to the parents, hence it is bred rather than auto-generated, but you have complete control over how powerful each new creature is.

Just an idea

We''ll you don''t want to just base the child stats off of parents stats because usualy children start off weak, and as they grow they''re strength will grow based off of thier actions.


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