Developing a Quake3 Modeller to sell (Looking for help)
Hello, I''m in the process of developing a quake3 modeller
(and eventually more than quake 3).
I already have a VERY significant part of it done, but am
looking for help as there is so much I want to do but not as much time as I would like to do it in. This is going to be for sale eventually although the business side of it doesn''t really exist right now.
It is currently written in Visual C++ 6.0 in glide 3x although I am going to start converting it to open gl or direct x (havent decided which yet)
Currently I have the following done:
Loads and Renders quake3 models
vertex and triangle selection and movement
model rendering
multiple model rendering
windows,menus,edit boxes, text and other things that don''t exist naturally in full screen 3d.
Bone System
Bone movement (needs reworked)
Bone Interpolation (needs reworked)
Automatic application of model vertices to bones
Triangle vertex and model creation
quake 3 exporting almost perfectly
quake2 partially importing (everything but textures)
Flat Shading
Other simple things:
Dynamic allocation of Vertices and Triangles
(which allows for theoretically unlimited number of vertices and triangles)
Mouse movement
Fluid Movement around away and towards model/models
Reference Models
What needs to be done:
Rewrite Rendering code
Triangle and line clipping (I hate clipping)
Smooth Shading needs to be fixed (its seriously screwed)
Weighted Vertex movement with bones doesn''t work correctly at all
Importing and exporting other model formats
Bone movement isn''t natural (ie very very awkward)
Conversion to DirectX or OpenGl
Lots of Super Advanced modelling tools that I don''t want to just tell everyone about
Also I''m trying to make this program as versatile as possible so that when this is finished I can create another 3d application with almost no effort at all and make up for the rest of the time I''ve spent on this program.
if you are interested email me at: (and no I''m not a student)
This is posted in the wrong section, please repost it in the "Help Wanted" section. This post will be deleted in the near future.
Thank you
~nothing personal, it''s my job...~
Thank you
~nothing personal, it''s my job...~
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
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