Terrain, Small Towns, Buildings, Basements.
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Regarding caves and tunnels on terrain-like environments. First off, have your base mesh be constructed as procedurally as possible - that is, you apply a heightmap as displacement data on a segmented plane and adjust the strength\scale until you get as far as you can with just using that heightmap. There really isn't a way to represent underground levels using it.
If you need caves and tunnels, sculpt them in after you have your base mesh. This takes time to do right.
Regarding building-to-terrain connections: let's think of the results you'd get using two ways.
One is you create each building mesh and slightly 'pierce' them on the terrain without actually making them part of the same mesh.
The second is to actually weld the buildings to the terrain, so everything is one perfect, almost crackless hull.
These methods are respectively illustrated in the following (to the right is a bottom view of each method):
The first way, simply piercing the buildings, doesn't require extra polygons for the connections like the second way does (which requires additional edges). In a huge level full of these buildings the first way is optimal, doesn't result in visual artifacts and still works with lightmap and collision solutions. Prefer this over the second way. For backdrop buildings (in locations where the player can't reach, being there just for the aesthetics), you can even delete polygons that the player will never see from any walkable spot (i.e: walls and parts of the roof that are completely occluded).