I've been trying to adapt the code to make it compatible with more than one hidden layer, but I think on P306 after the line '// and now we calculate the error', after calculating the error it should then assign the error value to the neuron, should it not? My network is kind-of functioning, but behaving a little oddly. The adapted code looks like below if anyone would care to have a look and see if they can spot anything odd.
-(bool)trainNetworkOnceWithInputSet2:(double*)inInputSet ofSize:(int)inSetSize andOutputSet:(double*)inOutputSet {
// cumulative error for training set
errorSum = 0.0f;
// run each input pattern through the network, get outputs, calculate error and adjust weights
for (int s=0; s < inSetSize; s++) {
// first run input pattern and get outputs
double *outputs = [self updateWithInputs:&inInputSet[s*inputCount]];
// save layers for readability
NeuronLayer *outputLayer = [layers objectAtIndex:hiddenLayerCount];
// for each output neuron, calculate the error and adjust the weights
for (int o=0; o < outputCount; o++) {
// first calculate the error value
double err = (inOutputSet[s*outputCount+o] - outputs[o]) * outputs[o] * (1.0f - outputs[o]);
// update the error total (when this becomes lower than threshold, training is success)
errorSum += (inOutputSet[s*outputCount+o] - outputs[o]) * (inOutputSet[s*outputCount+o] - outputs[o]);
// keep a record of the error value
Neuron *thisOutputNeuron = [outputLayer.neurons objectAtIndex:o];
thisOutputNeuron.errorValue = err;
// for each weight for this output neuron except the bias
int hiddenNeuronIndex = 0;
NeuronLayer *hiddenLayer = [layers objectAtIndex:hiddenLayerCount-1];
for (int w=0; w < neuronsPerHiddenLayer; w++) {
// calculate the new weight based on the backprop rules
Neuron *thisHiddenNeuron = [hiddenLayer.neurons objectAtIndex:hiddenNeuronIndex];
thisOutputNeuron.weights[w] += err * learningRate * thisHiddenNeuron.activation;
// go to next weight and next hidden neuron
// also adust the bias
thisOutputNeuron.weights[neuronsPerHiddenLayer] += err * learningRate * bias;
// loop through hidden layers
for (int h=hiddenLayerCount-1; h >= 0; h--) {
// get this hidden layer
NeuronLayer *hiddenLayer = [layers objectAtIndex:h];
NeuronLayer *layerAbove = [layers objectAtIndex:h+1];
// for each neuron in the hidden layer, calc and adjust the weights
for (int n=0; n < neuronsPerHiddenLayer; n++) {
double err = 0;
// to calculate the error for this neuron we need to loop through the output neurons and sum the errors * weights
int myOutputCount = (h+1 == hiddenLayerCount ? outputCount : neuronsPerHiddenLayer);
for (int o=0; o < myOutputCount; o++) {
Neuron *thisOutputNeuron = [layerAbove.neurons objectAtIndex:o];
err += thisOutputNeuron.errorValue * thisOutputNeuron.weights[n];
// now we can calculate the error
Neuron *thisHiddenNeuron = [hiddenLayer.neurons objectAtIndex:n];
err *= thisHiddenNeuron.activation * (1.0f - thisHiddenNeuron.activation);
// save error value to this hidden neuron
thisHiddenNeuron.errorValue = err;
// for each weight in this neuron (hidden) calculate the new weight based on the error signal and learning rate
int myInputCount = (h == 0 ? inputCount : neuronsPerHiddenLayer);
for (int w=0; w < myInputCount; w++) {
if (h == 0)
thisHiddenNeuron.weights[w] += err * learningRate * inInputSet[s*inputCount+w];
else {
NeuronLayer *layerBelow = [layers objectAtIndex:h-1];
Neuron *inputNeuron = [layerBelow.neurons objectAtIndex:w];
thisHiddenNeuron.weights[w] += err * learningRate * inputNeuron.activation;
// calculate the bias
thisHiddenNeuron.weights[myInputCount] += err * learningRate * bias;
// free outputs array
// make error sum not dependent on set size or output count
errorSum /= (float)inSetSize*(float)outputCount;
// all went ok
return YES;