
You know, some kids are just dumb. No matter the age.

Started by September 14, 2011 08:50 PM
9 comments, last by way2lazy2care 13 years ago
You know. For a 65-year old son, this guy is an ass.

65 year old son gets 101 year old mother evicted out of home.

I get not wanting your mother to worry. So you handle things behind the scenes. But to not pay and assume that they wouldn't evict her from her home. Just what was this guy thinking?

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I think the problem is that he wasn't thinking.

I can't believe someone would do that, and then be surprised when what they thought wouldn't happen, does happen.

Actually, sadly it doesn't surprise me, because I've seen this before from other people. You're right; some kids ARE just dumb, no matter the age!

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I have no sympathy for the guy, but I feel terrible for the lady. She goes on for years thinking everything is fine while her son knows she could get evicted at any moment only to have to come home to your shit on a sidewalk. That's a nightmare.
Denial is pretty powerful, especially when the consequence isn't going to happen to you. And especially especially powerful when you're a jackass.

"Never thought it would happen." I guess he's not been anywhere near a newspaper or TV for the last 3 years.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

"Never thought it would happen." I guess he's not been anywhere near a newspaper or TV for the last 3 years.

I'm being horribly presumptuous, but am I the only one who has a feeling that what he really thought is that it "wasn't going to happen" while she was still alive?
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
I'm being horribly presumptuous, but am I the only one who has a feeling that what he really thought is that it "wasn't going to happen" while she was still alive? [/quote]

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Good point! That is most definitely a possibility.

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I never thought of it that way. But where was he gonna go after the eviction? Homeless shelter? Granted I/we don't know all the circumstances of how they even got to that point of not being able to pay the mortgage or any part of the mortgage. But this is still pretty dumb.

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Unless you own land, you are a serf. No matter the age, no matter country. Call it mortgage, debt, lease, rent, cost-effective-life - serf is serf.

In a way, one starts to understand that grumpy old farmer who sits on porch with a gun in lap, keeping kids away. Owning land means you get to defend it, not be at whim of the lords in the castle.

Think about this before you "save a lot of money" on your next subscription service.

Unless you own land, you are a serf. No matter the age, no matter country. Call it mortgage, debt, lease, rent, cost-effective-life - serf is serf.

Not quite. Serfs could still own land, and not everybody who doesn't own land is a serf so long as they can live somewhere without performing duties for the property's owner in order to live there.

That said, I'd rather be a smart serf and wait for the housing/property market to normalize before investing in it :)

Not quite. Serfs could still own land, and not everybody who doesn't own land is a serf so long as they can live somewhere without performing duties for the property's owner in order to live there.

Serfs were given limited control, but not true ownership. Unlike slaves, who weren't in control of anything.

You'll notice that widespread nationalism and patriotism emerged after decline of serfdom. People will defend what they own much more furiously than conscripts or mercenaries do. For more dramatic example, see 300's madness scene. That is own vs. rent. Unlimited rights on rented property aren't worth anything.

That said, I'd rather be a smart serf and wait for the housing/property market to normalize before investing in it :)[/quote]

That was my point. Everyone is incapable of thinking about anything except money. Saving penny to lose a dollar.

Owning land is different. It can be a patch of overgrown field in the middle of nowhere, but if it's your own, it's something completely different. It's not about monetary value. Even if one can attribute it to anything, ownership has no price. You can see similar during migration to Americas. Those people wanted land to own. Not out of greed, not necessarily something that would produce optimal wheat yields and have good view, but their own land, something they would never have back home. They left broke on a month-long journey that killed many with that one desire. Most of those were not adventurers or explorers, but simple farmers who had before not left their town or village.

PS. Land does not need to apply to actual land, but to general concept of ownership. Google is making the most of it, any complaint is met with other users saying: "it's free, you're not paying for it, be glad you can use it at all".

Like I said, something to think about, because when you're 70 that fantastic deal you got on 10 free movies from some service won't really matter much. Or that great mortgage on a house.

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