I was thinking about inactive players. Maybe indeed deleting after a month is too harsh...
Maybe like this?
- after 14 days of inactivity the player gets easily visible skull icon, also if that player is a ruler he can be "forced to abdicate" by any citizen ragardless of influence.
- after 30 days of inactivity the player disappears from the ranking list (but still appears on the kingdom list and city list), also his workshops does not count in the global game statistics.
- after, I don't know maybe 3 months, the player's character is deleted (the account stays, when he/she logins next time a fresh one will be created).
You could make it graded. Players who only played a few hours and then went inactive could be removed fairly quickly. Those who have advanced more should have a much longer time.
This would help against those who try it out and find out they don't want to play it. In Tribalwars, the large majority go inactive (especially on the rim. 9/10 is not uncommon), and it really makes the game feel very deserted.