| Exception: Null pointer access (T46)
| Module : Stage
| Section : TribalAeronauts/AI/TA_Fighter_Think.ang
| Line : 38
| Column : 9
---- CALL STACK ----
(Stack - 0)Func: void TA_Fighter_Think::BodyEncountered(TA_Body@)
(Stack - 0)Sect: TribalAeronauts/AI/TA_Fighter_Think.ang
(Stack - 0)Modl: Stage | Line: 38, Colu: 9
(Stack - 0)Variables: this = 0xa5b7300(TA_Fighter_Think)
TA_Body@ body = 0xa5bf5cc,
(Stack - 1)Func: void TA_Mind_Fighter::OnBodyWithinRadarRange(TA_Body@)
(Stack - 1)Sect: TribalAeronauts/TA_Mind_Fighter.ang
(Stack - 1)Modl: Stage | Line: 33, Colu: 9
(Stack - 1)Variables: this = 0xbfefd70(TA_Fighter_Think)
TA_Body@ body = 0xa5bf5e0,
(Stack - 2)Func: void TA_Body::OnCollide(Actor@, CollisionBody@)
(Stack - 2)Sect: TribalAeronauts/TA_Body.ang
(Stack - 2)Modl: Stage | Line: 247, Colu: 3
(Stack - 2)Variables: this = 0xbfcc388(TA_Fighter_Think)
Actor@ other = 0xa5bf604,
CollisionBody@ mcb = 0xa5bf608,
(Stack - 3)Func: void Actor::OnCollideTest(int, int)
(Stack - 3)Sect: Engine/Actor.ang
(Stack - 3)Modl: Stage | Line: 148, Colu: 98
(Stack - 3)Variables: this = 0xbfcc388(TA_Fighter_Think)
int act = 37,
int mycolbody = 41,
EDIT: I fixed the problem by nullcheckking an earlier cast to the TA_Body type, but what is bizzare is that I have a function that allows me to explicitly check if an object is of a certain type by means of a string. That ended up returning true... What is more, not a single object I am casting is returning a valid handle when I know for a fact that there is at least one object that should cast correctly to the TA_Body.