What should I modify in my image loading function to be able to load from a specified path. If the .exe is located in Game folder, I'like to load from gfx folder, which is located in C:\Game\gfx .
SDL_Surface *load_image(std::string filename)
SDL_Surface *loadedImage = NULL;
SDL_Surface *optimizedImage = NULL;
loadedImage = IMG_Load(filename.c_str()); //I was thinking at this line
if (loadedImage != NULL)
optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat(loadedImage);
SDL_FreeSurface (loadedImage);
if (optimizedImage != NULL)
SDL_SetColorKey(optimizedImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF));
return optimizedImage;
Thx for help.