
Linux and OpenGL

Started by September 19, 2001 11:24 AM
14 comments, last by Drizzt DoUrden 23 years ago
Does Linux have the power to support 3D graphics as well as windows does? I would seriosly like to program for Linux, because MS Windows is beggining to annoy me.. If I have the same capabilities with Linux as I do windows, I would serioslt consider switching OS''s. "I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Linux does support OpenGL. You should look at SDL (cross-platform multimedia library). But much fun as it is to program for Linux, there really isn''t a market for games on that OS right now (please no flames...I love Linux and use it on the server whenever I can, I''m just trying to be realistic).
Just be aware that if you''re wanting to learn how the big-time developers are doing things, stick to Windows.

On a side note, I''ve noticed your extreme dislike of Microsoft on these boards before Drizzt, and not so say that I disagree with you, but if you want to be a professional programmer you''re just going to have to learn to deal with the fact that professional implies being paid, and that getting paid ususally means supporting Windows. It''s a bitch, but it''s life.

"If consquences dictate our course of action, it doesn''t matter what''s right, it''s only wrong if you get caught."
- Tool
"There is no reason good should not triumph at least as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they're organized along the lines of the mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut
If Quake and Unreal have been ported to the Linux OS the answer is without doubt Yes. Of course, the Videoboards manufacturers will always issue Windows drivers before Linux drivers but most of the main videoboards work well under Linux. On the programming standpoint, I''m exactly like you and would like to start programming graphics fo Linux and Opengl and SDL API''s can be used.
Just my CDN $ .02
As a hobbyist game developer on Linux for the past couple years, i''ve learned a few things.

First, 3D under Linux works fine, but since the installation of 3D drivers has only recently become something that a novice should attempt (or would think to attempt), the installed base is a fraction of the already small market for Linux games. This situation is unfortunate, but is thankfully rectifying itself, and will only get better with time.

Secondly, there''s unfortunately not the thriving game developer community on Linux that I would hope. Then again, the games that are available for Linux generally are Free (and free) and you can take a look at the source, with the obvious exception of commercial games. This is VERY nice and great for learning or getting involved with projects. Still, I''d like to see more emphasis on actual GAME design, rather than program design, where the program happens to be a game. There are a lot of Tetris and Pac-man clones out there, and not as many new and innovative games as i''d hope.

Now, for the good news: this doesn''t stop you from contributing, and creating cool games for Linux. Furthermore, when using SDL and OpenGL, there''s no reason that developing for Linux means not developing for Windows! Hell, a lot of people use Linux as their development enviroment even though their main aim is to write Windows games. Porting games that use SDL, if you know to keep it cross-platform from the beginning (which isn''t hard at all) requires NO changes to your source, and cross-compilation is pretty easy, too. I''m sure it''s the same with most cross-platform libraries.

By the way, while I agree that getting paid to game program usually means working under Windows, but there are exceptions to the rule. The Playstation 2 uses a Linux-based development box (that doesn''t mean the PS2 runs Linux, just that they cross-compile for the PS2 from Linux), for example.

Besides, if you''re going the Lone Wolf route, or if you''re just a hobbyist, there really is no reason you can''t use Linux for an outstanding development platform from which you create games for any platform.

(I might also mention that if you want to develop under Windows (VC++) to create cross-platform games, that''s very possible too. Check out SDL for my favorite method of doing so.)

My final suggestion is that if you want to develop for Linux, but you''re scared because you know that most game developers use VC++ and its ilk, go for it. Switching from gcc (<2.9 especially) to VC++ and CVS to SourceSafe and all that really isn''t hard. I''ve done the transfer for work before, and it''s not all that bad (well, except the fact that for me , MSVC++ is a far inferior way to develop software and just generally annoys the crap out of me). Learn the theory, then use your tools to apply it, don''t learn the tools, or else you''ll soon be out of a job (How many times have i heard someone say that they know "VC++"?).
That''s about it.

Well, I would do both, probably. I don''t like microsoft and to tell you the truth, I hope MS and Windows dissapear. Probabyl after I have some games published I will learn to program for Linux.

I have heard of the SDL, but I cant fnd any tutorials for how to use it with windows.

"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
SDL under MSVC++

In case you''re wondering, this file is VisualC.html in the SDL1.2 distribution available at their website.

quote: Original post by Drizzt DoUrden
I have heard of the SDL, but I cant fnd any tutorials for how to use it with windows.

All docs and links to docs are at

If you ask for tutorials for SDL so bluntly you will asked to RTFM - the man pages :-).

BTW Most of nehe's code is ported to SDL. You can find the links to the code at Nehe's site probably :-)

Well I don't use SDL in windows, but it should be the same as how the docs say - even if looks like if its for linux - hence how would the achieve portability without changing a single line of code ??

Edited by - flame_warrior on September 19, 2001 5:09:13 PM
Hello from my world
Our company recently switched from Windows to Linux as development platform for our current game project. We test the game under Linux (OpenGL and inhouse SDL-alike) and cross compile to Windows. Everything works extremly well, I''m very happy about that change. Finally, we have a stable and secured development OS, while still being able to develop for the Windows target.

A.H aka Blueshift
Why encourage people to only take the safe road? Why not try
to go new ways. Saying that "if you''re wanting to learn how the big-time developers are doing things, stick to Windows" is kinda misleading, sure almost all big-time developers release for windows only, but that doesn''t mean you can''t do the exact same thing on Linux. You''re probaly right about the money part but why not go both ways? why stick to windows?

Are you planning on releasing your game for Linux as well?
I mean, if it''s developed as cross platform and you stick botj the linux and windows executable in one box can there be any loss
in releasing it for Linux too?
The only thing wrong with this thread is that no one has talked about Linux as an OS . It requires a significant level of knowledge and skill to successfully run and maintain a Linux system, and while I''m not trying to dissuade anyone, some people don''t have the temperament to continuously read and study and learn about their systems just to get them to do anything useful. Linux is not a client/workstation OS/kernel just yet.

Furthermore, with all the various distros, library incompatibilities and the fact that the LSB 1.0 has only just been released (and therefore it will be a while before distros conform to it as a minimum ), developing on/for Linux is not guarantee that your application can be deployed on all distros (ie by all users) unless you provide source. And you might not want to provide source.

Add to that the elitism of the Linux community - a person like Drizzt can not jump into a community asking questions and expecting answers; he''ll be told to RTFM, as flame_warrior has said, and expected to seek the knowledge on his own .

Drizzt, why do you dislike Microsoft so much? Is it because you think it is a popular opinion? It''s popular in Linux circles, too, but among the perpetual newbies and the ignorant. Microsoft has its redeeming features as well as its gross sins; learn to identify them both. Good luck.

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