
New Poll on Game AI

Started by January 06, 2000 09:03 PM
2 comments, last by Ferretman 25 years, 1 month ago
Hello All: Hope everyone here had a safe and happy New Year. Just wanted to let folks know that I''ve put up a new poll on my Game AI page that might be of interest. If there *were* to be such a thing as an AI SDK out there someplace, how would you prefer to see it evolve/marketed/controlled? At the moment (with just a handful of votes) the results are leaning HUGELY towards a Linux/Open Source approach (something like 62% of the vote). This certainly fits with the results of a previous poll, which asked how much developers might be willing to pay for an AI SDK. Hop over to and tell everybody what you think..... Ferretman From the High Mountains of Colorado

From the High Mountains of Colorado

hehe ... an AI sdk.. isnt that a "dream" for about at least 2 years (i''ve seen the first poll of an AI SDK about 2 years ago )

Hey we have a moderator ) cool, just wondering why steve didnt accepted teh place, bad boy

even so, is good to have khawk as moderator ! )


bruno sousa

It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
An AI sdk ? a dream ? not really. I know that there is a company developping a such thing. It seems very advanced. Not sure if it will be free, and probably not a GPL project, but if you''re interested, here''s the addy:

DirectIA is the AI SDK that Ysaneya is referring to; it''s interesting in several ways. I did a writeup on it on my Game AI page based on what I learned at the ''99 GDC about it. I think it has some potential, though I question the price (something like $50,000 to license it) as being realistic. (In fact, based on my *last* Game AI Poll, I''d say that was *very* optimistic pricing.)

The idea of an AI SDK has been around for a while, though other than the DirectIA product I''ve seen little progress towards one. I''m not sure what the market it, that would have a reasonable chance of interacting with each other are probably all based on the same game engine from a single company anyway, and hence don''t need an SDK for that. As to other functionality, developers still seem to prefer hand-tuning game AI for each game.

Actually, Akura, I was offered the chance to moderate here but turned it down...realistically I''m just too busy to do it justice, and khawk is doing a fine job.


From the High Mountains of Colorado

From the High Mountains of Colorado

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