
IndieCity - Indie Only Platform

Started by July 29, 2011 05:47 PM
2 comments, last by cdoty 13 years, 1 month ago

There is a new platform, in the works in which i personally believe will be a good thing in a whole.
It will support only indie-games, and has a unique game acceptance method.

More info can be found through the link.

There is a new platform, in the works in which i personally believe will be a good thing in a whole.
It will support only indie-games, and has a unique game acceptance method.

More info can be found through the link.

I think steam has too much market saturation to answer firmly that you would rather not use steam. It brings too many customers to the table.
I wouldn't use this site rather than Steam, I would use it in conjunction with Steam. Why limit yourself to the five IndieCity customers that are a garunteed 100% target audience, instead of the 20 million Steam customers, that only have a 0.001% alignment with your target audience?*
I didn't vote on your poll, since the correct answer isn't even an option in your thinking. ohmy.gif

That's like saying, "Would you release your game on Android instead of iPhone?", well, why not both? Why not capatilize on both user groups? Why delberitely neglect a large portion of users for absolutely no reason other than fanboyism? smile.gif

*[size="1"]Every number and percentage completely made up.

There is a new platform, in the works in which i personally believe will be a good thing in a whole.
It will support only indie-games, and has a unique game acceptance method.

The real question is does the service have the financial strength to last? It will take awhile to establish a new service, and get through the growing pains.

The initial exposure numbers should be good, but the audience will be very small.

Check out Super Play, the SNES inspired Game Engine:

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