

Started by January 06, 2000 06:52 PM
0 comments, last by Magnus 25 years, 2 months ago
Could someone quickly sum up the programming theory behind a low res plasma? (13h) Thanks Magnus
there are several ways to create a plasma, you could create one based on a sinus curve like this :

procedure PutPixel(x, y : word; col : byte); assembler;asm;  push 0a000h  pop es  mov ax, y  mul 320  add ax, x  mov di, ax  mol al, byte ptr col  mov es:[di], alend;procedure DoPlasma;var col : bytebegin  for y := 0 to 199 do    for x := 0 to 319 do      begin        col := 127 + 63.5 * sin(x * 10) + 63.5 * sin(y*10);        PutPixel(x, y, col);      end;end; 

There are more ways to create a plasma. You could also create one through palette rotation, but that looks ugly IMO.


Graphix Coding @
Skullpture Entertainment
Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment

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