Played successfully on four computers, but none with CPU’smore powerful than 2.4ghz. However when I sent it to my friend who has a 3.8ghzi7, he noticed that the jump height of the character was about 10 pixels lessthan it should have been, and hence wasn’t able to navigate the platform.
The code is below, im hoping there is a reason why a superclockedprocessor causes change in the movement physics, if the velocity change is timebased and not CPU power based. I need this to work well on any computer as itwill be on a portfolio. So I really hope you guys can help.
The main loop is below.
int main (int argc, char* args[])
bool quit = false;
int xPlayMenu = 0;
Timer Delta;
Player myPlayer;
Level myLevel;
Mix_PlayMusic( soundTrack, -1 );
// Game loop
while (quit == false)
while (SDL_PollEvent (&event))
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
quit = true;
if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 )
return 1;
Basically the delta clock is set the same way as LazyFoosets it in his tutorial (independence from frames.)
The move function is below.
void Player::move(Uint32 deltaTime)
checkCollisions(playerBox, platform);
playerBox.x += xVelocity * (deltaTime / 1000.f);
playerBox.y += yVelocity * (deltaTime / 1000.f);
Again the movement is based on the timing. So should imhoping im missing something obvious.
Just in case, here is the movement and acceleration and physicsfunction called to calculate the velocity during the move function.
void Player::velocityCalc()
if (rightDown == true)
if (grounded == true)
if (xVelocity < 0)
xVelocity += (ACCELERATION*2);
else if (xVelocity >= 400)
xVelocity = 400;
xVelocity += ACCELERATION;
else if (grounded == false)
if (xVelocity < 0)
xVelocity += (ACCELERATION*0.5);
else if (xVelocity >= 400)
xVelocity = 400;
xVelocity += (ACCELERATION*0.25);
if (leftDown == true)
if (grounded == true)
if (xVelocity > 0)
xVelocity -= (ACCELERATION*2);
else if (xVelocity <= -400)
xVelocity = -400;
xVelocity -= ACCELERATION;
else if (grounded == false)
if (xVelocity > 0)
xVelocity -= (ACCELERATION*0.5);
else if (xVelocity <= -400)
xVelocity = -400;
xVelocity -= (ACCELERATION*0.25);
else if ((leftDown == false) && (rightDown == false))
if (xVelocity+(ACCELERATION*2) < 0)
else if (xVelocity - (ACCELERATION*2) > 0)
xVelocity = 0;
if (jumping == true)
if (yVelocity < 0)
yVelocity +=(ACCELERATION*1.7);
if (yVelocity >= 0)
yVelocity = 0;
jumping = false;
if (falling == true)
if (yVelocity >= 1500)
yVelocity = 1500;
yVelocity += (ACCELERATION*1.5);
and finally this is the code that is executed when the jump button is pressed
if (playKeystates[SDLK_SPACE])
if (grounded)
Mix_PlayChannel( -1, jumpSound, 0 );
jumping = true;
yVelocity = -750;
i know this is a long topic and a weird problem. but Im hoping there is something obvious in the code that cause these different physics on a much faster machine (and i imagine much slower ones cause the opposite problem). Would truly be more grateful than can be imaginable for any help.