
out with the new in with the newer

Started by July 15, 2011 08:26 AM
13 comments, last by Gaiiden 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi All.
i just noticed that the Like and Dislike buttons have been replaced by a "Like This" button (must have been changed sometime between last night and this morning GMT+2)

i joined last year, and there was the feedback thingy wich had multiple options, then it changed to a like / dis like this option, and now it is a like this button.

why the change ?

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

Because it looks more like facebook this way, right? biggrin.gif
Aww... mellow.gif I liked being able not to like...

Because it looks more like facebook this way, right? biggrin.gif

ahh, so now i can seamlessly switch between FaceBook and

Aww... mellow.gif I liked being able not to like...

in some instances, yes i did like to not like a post.

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

[quote name='SuperVGA' timestamp='1310722130' post='4835618']
Because it looks more like facebook this way, right? biggrin.gif

ahh, so now i can seamlessly switch between FaceBook and

Aww... mellow.gif I liked being able not to like...

in some instances, yes i did like to not like a post.

You'd like to not like what I liked to like?
Not at all. We have very similar tastes, you and I.
But it sorta felt good to rate down a post, sometimes. Only if it was really offensive of course. -Now I have to "like" everything besides what i want ro rate down, and "like" what i actually like twice.
I should attain a more positive attitude just to save tine...
Iam all for the rate down too, as long as it was not abused, like If i saw someones post was rated down because someone stated a perfectly valid opinion that was different then someones else, I would rate up the post that got rated down to balance it, but sometimes people should know that their post wasn't well warrented because maybe they'll take a second look at what they are saying.

On that note, I think the reason websties like facebooks only allow you to "Like" something is because, so many people post B.S on it that if they got constantly rated down they'd be turned off and scared to use it, hence bad stratedgy for facebook. I have alot of friends who voice some really stupid things on facebook, to the point where I deleted my facebook for a good number of months so I didnt go down a few IQ points everytime I read my news feed. Maybe a few dislikes here and there on facebook would prevent some of the stupidity from spreading.

But honestly I think the general population just likes the dumbest things..... I got one friend who would post about interesting real world issues that deal with politics and technology, 0 Likes, 0 Comments, I have one friend who talks about how stressed she about what to wear tonight, 10 likes, 29 comments........ somethings wrong there.....

Anyhow enough of my rant, Dislike this post if you want, I'd like to see you try.... 8-) lol j.k
Problem is the system was routinely abused as I see it.
Some pieces of tech discussed here can work in quite counter-intuitive ways. People not understanding will not even question their knowledge... will just thumb down.
It is way harder to get thumbs up. Even if the solution is there, I've often seen no thumbs up, no thank you, nothing. They just go away. I think the up/down system has demonstrated to not work.
Positive-only feedback seems to keep all the advantages, yet I don't see any of the cons. I like this.

Previously "Krohm"

I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
I would prefer the old, small thumbs up icon. In my opinion, the connotations from "thumbs up" are better than the ones associated with a "like this". Besides, there's already a "Facebook Like" button at the bottom of the thread. That one Facebook like doesn't, like, bother me but, like, I don't like, like, flashing back to, like, the 80's when, like, the word "like" was, like, totally over used.

I don't want to be one of those guys that objects to even the smallest change to the website. I just wanted to add my $0.02.

Positive-only feedback seems to keep all the advantages, yet I don't see any of the cons. I like this.

Well, ya know, apart from the lack of ability to mark a post as 'incorrect' which was my complaint when the original system was put in place and remains my complaint now.

A site like this NEEDS a way to mark things as "incorrect"; simply correcting it later in the thread isn't enough as people will rarely read on once they have an apprently 'good' solution.

Facebook et al can get away with 'positive only' ratings for things because they are a social network and not a site dealing in technical correctness.

But it seems we are increasingly living in a world where everyone is equally right and no one can be told they are wrong for fear of hurting their poor little feelings... and frankly that is BS and it's annoying that it seems GD is going in the same direction.

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