
Unjust Eduction

Started by June 27, 2011 04:55 PM
10 comments, last by frob 13 years, 2 months ago
I've just completed my third year at university and I was supposed to get my degree but instead I get a letter saying that due to outstanding matters a final decision has not been reached. The reason is because I failed one additional module I had. But I didn't actually do anything to fail this module... in other words I done everything that was asked and to a fairly decent standard yet I still managed to fail and not even a gentle "just failed", more like a "no evidence of any work been done" sort of fail.

Anyway, this seems to be recurrent with a certain lecturer. In fact in my second year I got 5 A's and one E (from said lecturer). Again this year I got all A's and B's and one E. I'm just absolutely sick of it. I feel like doing this to said lecturer:
but I'm undecided as of yet.

He's given me the requirements for the re-submission but I think I will just appeal against it. I do have other projects I'm working on atm and also real-life (paid) work.

Has anyone else experienced really unfair results at University or College?
heh this title is classic. :lol:

I've just completed my third year at university and I was supposed to get my degree but instead I get a letter saying that due to outstanding matters a final decision has not been reached. The reason is because I failed one additional module I had. But I didn't actually do anything to fail this module... in other words I done everything that was asked and to a fairly decent standard yet I still managed to fail and not even a gentle "just failed", more like a "no evidence of any work been done" sort of fail.

Anyway, this seems to be recurrent with a certain lecturer. In fact in my second year I got 5 A's and one E (from said lecturer). Again this year I got all A's and B's and one E. I'm just absolutely sick of it. I feel like doing this to said lecturer: but I'm undecided as of yet.

He's given me the requirements for the re-submission but I think I will just appeal against it. I do have other projects I'm working on atm and also real-life (paid) work.

Has anyone else experienced really unfair results at University or College?

Are you suggesting that the teacher gave you a failing grade, and he did this even though you attended every one of his lectures and performed his required labs and turned in the coursework and took the quizzes and tests... and over the entire three months of the course you were given every sign that you were succeeding?

There were absolutely no warnings signs that you might not be getting a perfect grade? No poor test results? No poor grades on assignments and labs? He gave you strong evidence that you were achieving satisfactory results, and then when the final results came back you were failing?

If that is truly the case then I would have a nice little chat with both the professor and the department head, bringing all the graded test results and assignment scores with you as evidence about the issue.

If that wasn't the case, and you had plenty of notice that you were not doing well in the class (which I suspect is the case), then I have very little pity. I had a few difficult professors, and they forced me to grow in ways I otherwise would rather have avoided.

[color="#1C2837"]Are you suggesting that the teacher gave you a failing grade, and he did this even though you attended every one of his lectures and performed his required labs and turned in the coursework and took the quizzes and tests... and over the entire three months of the course you were given every sign that you were succeeding?
[color="#1c2837"]................................................................................................Yes :o

[color="#1c2837"]And btw I failed to mention the lecture in question is one of the most unprofessional lectures I have ever encountered. You should be asking HIM if he attended every one of his lecturers... which he didn't, he frequently made excuses about dogey food he had ate the previous day etc. and Labs? don't be silly... he had NONE! Another team in our year got given marks for work they never even handed in!

[color="#1c2837"]And yeh, no signs about failing, succeeding etc. The meetings he usually issues to students turns into strange conversations about his own thoughts on life, for e.g. I walked into a meeting he was having with 4 students once (me included) and he was talking about alcoholism (this lasted about 15 minutes (within a 20 minute meeting)).

[color="#1C2837"]If that is truly the case then I would have a nice little chat with both the professor and the department head
[color="#1C2837"]The problem is they are the same person! There is only two people I believe higher ranked than him in the entire school so, go figure...

[color="#1C2837"] I had a few difficult professors, and they forced me to grow in ways I otherwise would rather have avoided.
[color="#1c2837"]Thats the thing, I would appreciate his criticism of the work I do if it helped me grow in certain areas but there is a big difference between for e.g. writing 40-page reports about biologically inspired A.I. and writing a 10-page (maximum) game design document that I've already done 3 times over.
You still haven't received word of a decision.

Discuss it with him before that decision is issued.

[color="#1C2837"]He's given me the requirements for the re-submission[color="#1C2837"] but I think I will just appeal against it.[color="#1C2837"][/quote]

Why are you refusing to do what he listed? Is it on philosophical grounds, or a desire to get out of the work? Or is there something more?

Refusing to do the work is certainly strong evidence against you, not supporting your cause.

You've got a list of work. Do it. If you complete the requested work and he still rejects it, then you may have cause against him.

[color="#1c2837"]And yeh, no signs about failing, succeeding etc. The meetings he usually issues to students turns into strange conversations about his own thoughts on life, for e.g. I walked into a meeting he was having with 4 students once (me included) and he was talking about alcoholism (this lasted about 15 minutes (within a 20 minute meeting)).

[color="#1c2837"]He gave no notice about any grades, and you never asked him for it? That still seems like a failure on your part.

You'd need to document that he is being unreasonable, but you said you don't really have compelling evidence of this. You don't have a collection of homework with A-level grades on it, test and quiz results with A-level grades. You have no mid-term results, no lists of assignments you have turned in, and apparently you have done nothing to verify your progress through the course.

That in itself makes me wonder how seriously you are taking your own education. It is your job, not his, to ensure your success.

Hopefully you have learned to pay better attention to what your boss, teachers, and others in authority are thinking about you. Regular status updates are important both in school and in the work force. If you don't check in with your boss frequently (at least monthly, better bi-weekly) about how you are performing, then it really is your own fault.


[color="#1C2837"]If that is truly the case then I would have a nice little chat with both the professor and the department head

[color="#1C2837"]The problem is they are the same person! There is only two people I believe higher ranked than him in the entire school so, go figure...

[color="#1c2837"]First, you need to do all that was requested. In this case it means doing the things he listed. Prove that you deserve an A grade.

[color="#1c2837"]After you have done that, if he still gives a failing grade and you have tried to work it out, then go those above him. But at that point you really need compelling documented evidence. If you have one at your school, talk with the ombudsman office as well, after you have attempted his requested make-up work. After that you would visit the dean, and after that would be to pursue the administrative side. But really, until you have done what he requested, you have no compelling arguments.

Why are you refusing to do what he listed? Is it on philosophical grounds, or a desire to get out of the work? Or is there something more?

Well, he listed two requirements and hasn't told me what one to do yet, I think he's playing with my mind. I've been in this situation before and had to hand in the re-sits three separate times
because he failed to mark them two times in a row, claiming "there was a change of staff that week"

Refusing to do the work is certainly strong evidence against you, not supporting your cause.
The reason I won't want to do the work is because I feel I have more important work to do.

He gave no notice about any grades, and you never asked him for it? That still seems like a failure on your part.
I Agree.

Anyway, I'm just a bit heated because if things don't go my way it means I've just wasted three years of my life. thats all. :)
Regardless of how just or unjust the situation is, the truth of the matter is that you'r best bet is to just do what he listed. Being that he is in a position of power, unless you absolutely have proof positive that everything is on his side of things and not yours, it would probably hurt you more then it helps you to go against it.

Sometimes we have to do things that we might not agree with for whatever reasons, but in this case I would suggest just do it & get it over with, fighting it and having it dwell over your head will probably just cause more grievance then its worth.

Best of luck to you, I think we can all relate to having a professor that's "not as nice as we would like" and have to deal with, but most of the time its just better to deal with him/her and move on, then stress it.

Anyway, I'm just a bit heated because if things don't go my way it means I've just wasted three years of my life. thats all. :)

Only if you give up. Do what they ask, or don't do it. The choice is entirely up to you.
if things don't go my way[/quote]

So what color is your parachute?
In the university, one of my teachers who didn't like me at all (because I questioned him sometimes because he told incorrect things) (he wasn't a prof) just got rid of a test I took. He said, "oh, you didn't take it. Well, we didn't find it....". Only my test was missing, and due to the grading system, that meant the best grade I could even get at the end of the course was a 3 (1-fail,5-excellent), which required a 98% exam if I remember correctly (and maybe a 75% only to pass the test). I only got a 2 at the end, which costed me a fair amount of scholarship, headaches and stress.

A year later, the teacher said to the others on a party that he just tore apart my test.

Shit happens, you can whine about it if you like.....

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