"It’s ironic, that Osmond was so good at taking life, yet he hated it deeply" -- I am not sure this is irony. It would be irony if he would love life, yet be able to take it easilly, if not subcontiously.
"“It’s so cold”, whines Osmond.
“Do you want my blanket”, murmurs Vegard.
“No, you would freeze”. ‘Idiot’, the younger brother thinks."
You are doing the same thing I did when first posted here to be ratedavoiding the usage of said. And I think that saying "thinks aloud" sounds better, because as it is now stands the brother just thinks the whole sentence(s?)
"“What are you doing?!” He shouts a whisper." -- I am not sure this is a correct form. I would rather use hiss or a similar verb -- shouting a whisper doesn't sound right.
Throuought the story you use different times that had me confused a bit while reading. The consistency is a tad shaky and the story feels rushed by the end.
Edited with your suggestions in mind. I'll work on the end.
Thanks !