
Engine coders v.s Game Company Engines

Started by June 13, 2011 08:29 AM
49 comments, last by Washu 13 years, 8 months ago
GDNet is the place to come to be told quite bluntly that you're not qualified to be wasting your time making an engine and that you should just make a game...

Cool story, bro?
BB effect
Sounds like the OP is just trolling to me.

My Gamedev Journal: 2D Game Making, the Easy Way

---(Old Blog, still has good info): 2dGameMaking
"No one ever posts on that message board; it's too crowded." - Yoga Berra (sorta)

to me it just seems like you guys want to get attention and just flame me for making the point that those that advise others to design a engine or choose to work on a engine.If thats trolling then sure ok haha,btw please stay ontopic your responses just seems like you wanna be cool and make me seem like a jackA$#.But in truth what you say does not phase me,not in the slightest.Get ontopic or get out,or just let the thread die.

Avert your eyes if you dont like what i gotta say or negative rep me haha i dont care.

I am having a lot of trouble understanding what you're saying.

Making an engine is extremely complicated, yes. But most of the time, I haven't seen people being told to write their own engine. Usually they are designed to be versatile, therefore there typically really is no point to write a new one unless it's a simple game that isn't doing much in the way of complex rendering, like, say, using polygons. The likelihood of someone who is new to game design making the next great thing is very unlikely, I mean realistically we can just go ahead can ignore that whole argument. And even so, it's not like they can't come back to it in a few months or so once they have the basics down. And that being said, if anyone actually DID tell them to write their own engine, we can probably safely write them off as morons, because there is no way someone that is new enough to game design to be asking for help on how to get started is going to be able to program an engine.

I also couldn't find anything about someone told to write their own engine either. So... way to be awesome. The only thing more awesome is a possum (because it rhymes.... awesome possum?)

AND I would like to point out no one said C4 yet. Just to throw my own opinion into the engines list...

ill make a example of what ive seen and if you havent found it well meh.Dont believe me ? well i really dont care.Ive seen it,im not saying its bad to not make the engine or to not start on one.Plainly saying that its time consuming and is kinda pointless when and if your game makes a large amount of money you can easily just get the UDK and fuse it with Cry Engine.Or you can fuse your UDK (once you ofcourse have bought the full engine) to your first engine you were building on your off time.Reread what ive said its not really complicated and ive had to repeat myself a lot so ya lol.
I want negative rating displayed again!
Search through the threads, it's not hard. Many people have posted about this. Stop trolling because you see someone come on here randomly that can't seem to use Google or the advanced search feature correctly. I have found a lot of content about people making their own game engines, both 2d and 3d on here, and also threads where people ("elite programmers") telling others that they need full control over their game engine to fix bugs that might not come. By the majority of bigots posting here about how negative he was, I see that most don't even have anything to show but save 1 person. The problem is your attitude, and your ability to use "Search" buttons and functions correctly. What's so hard about that? And the Steam thing, the ceo had the statement retracted, so you won't be able to find it unless you dig through Google Cache. It was also a posted outsource link on here, and it disappeared over a week's span.

So in total, we learned you can't use the search tools, and you can't seem to be positive. Steam doesn't want horrible games, and like I'll quote from a older thread "this isn't a community to be innovative, but just a place for us to find help if we need it."
Failure is simply denying the truth and refusing to adapt for success. Failure is synthetic, invented by man to justify his laziness and lack of moral conduct. What truely lies within failure is neither primative or genetic. What failure is at the heart, is man's inability to rise and meet the challenge. Success is natural, only happening when man stops trying to imitate a synthetic or imaginable object. Once man starts acting outside his emotional standpoints, he will stop trying to imitate synthetic or imaginable objects called forth by the replication of his emptiness inside his mind. Man's mind is forever idle and therefore shall call forth through the primitives of such subconscious thoughts and behaviors that Success is unnatural and that failure is natural. Success is simply doing something at man's full natural abilities and power, failure is the inability to act on what man wants, dreams, wishes, invisions, or thinks himself to do. ~ RED (concluded when I was 5 years old looking at the world with wide eyes)

Search through the threads, it's not hard. Many people have posted about this. Stop trolling because you see someone come on here randomly that can't seem to use Google or the advanced search feature correctly. I have found a lot of content about people making their own game engines, both 2d and 3d on here, and also threads where people ("elite programmers") telling others that they need full control over their game engine to fix bugs that might not come. By the majority of bigots posting here about how negative he was, I see that most don't even have anything to show but save 1 person. The problem is your attitude, and your ability to use "Search" buttons and functions correctly. What's so hard about that? And the Steam thing, the ceo had the statement retracted, so you won't be able to find it unless you dig through Google Cache. It was also a posted outsource link on here, and it disappeared over a week's span.

So in total, we learned you can't use the search tools, and you can't seem to be positive. Steam doesn't want horrible games, and like I'll quote from a older thread "this isn't a community to be innovative, but just a place for us to find help if we need it."

Enough said
I am literally confused beyond all manner now on which way this thread is turning. Are people complaining that people are talking about making there own engines, or that elitism happens and people say you need to take more control over your engine.

If its the latter than your mistaking a common phrase of assumption which makes an ass of u and me.

As for Red, your 100% incorrect. If a link was recalled it would still be on the internet. I am not saying that I don't believe you, I merely am saying that I would like to read it. There is absolutly 100% without a doubt in my mind and I will give you a brand new shiny car, if you can prove to me that something like that would not get, "Tweeted, Retweeted, reposted, commented, articualted article manner such as ARS/Escapist even Kotaku, nor indexed via way back time machine, or internet history archives." Its amazing to see how fast something you throw on the web gets cached by so many spiders and robots. If you don't understand how the web machine works, ill let you know right now its a fascinating thing to be able to tell someone shut up, and within minutes, about 10+ servers have a local copy. Archives is what bones this point ;-).

As for Haze, its like your arguing to just argue. I don't agree with what you said, but then again I understand your frustration of saying prove me wrong etc. I am going to let you in on a little secret. No one really cares. No one cares about your posts except for your main, mainly because your posts are coming off as a rant of nothing. You haven't introduced any supporting facts, you havent introduced anything new in the topic, instead your beligerant and mouthing off like we should look up to what you say because you said it. Case in point your comments of believe me if you will or not I dont care. I am not here for xxx and I am just posting cause xxx. Well if you don't care why do you continue to post. Are you trolling? Are you trying to prove a point by saying that your not proving a point by proving the point that you can change the same paragraph and change out a few words.

I think you need to take a step back, look at your posts and then rethink your strategy. Your fighting an uphill battle, at least throw some research into. I mean I can say I wrote half the WoW engine. Do you believe me? No why not? I did, in fact they paid me to not put my name on the product.. still dont believe me? I dont care I dont have to prove anything. Get the point? No valdility = no credibility. No credibility = no one really cares. Your just a name with bad posts.


*I expect negative rep on this posts as this may be the first post I wrote as a condescending view. Sorry guys*
I usually just give my 2 cents, but since most of the people I meet are stubborn I give a 1$ so my advice isn't lost via exchange rate.

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