It's all in really infant phase (0.1), there's no documentation besides some Javadoc (hands-on no getting started guide). But I have some code that runs, and it might give some idea where I'm heading.
I also plan to build in some tools for evolutionary algorithms (yeah, I know, sounds ambitious), so you write a player's code, define a sequence of evolutionary attributes and their range, and the in some points in your Player code you read those attributes. The framework will "breed" the player and mutate (e.g. simulated annealing), and cull the population (different specimens of "Player strategies" fighting against each other). I know, there are already projects like this out there, but they ...
1, have weird rules and not resemble regular RTS
2, use C/C++ (I think that's too level language to progam an AI in)
3, are tied to proprietary game (e.g. Starcraft)
4, only provide a server and not an IDE like environment where you experiment, aggregate and visualize data
I'd like to hear suggestions/feature requests from you, or just comforting cheering
The project is BSD licensed, however I'm not recruiting contributors, so if you like what you find feel free to fork. I'd like to get my planned features and documentation get done till October/November. (My schedule has been quite hectic in the last 1.5 months).
The project is hosted on Sourceforge and is humbly called Infinite Wisdom.