To digress into the specifics of what you mentioned further;
If we're talking about MMO story content, I think that the one thing that needs to be cracked, and will push the genre forward massively, is individual stories. It's tedious when you create a character, and that character is exposed to the same events as everyone else's. For example - the staple beginning quests in most MMORPGs always seem to be "Go collect some assortment of items in a harmless part of town, so you can become familiar with the basics of the game's interface".
As a result of this, minutes later, you find yourself in the spot where your items can be found, with fifteen other novice players going through the same motions. It completely undermines the illusion of the game being your unique experience of the game world.
The word 'tedious' only applies when you have to repeat a set of quests every time you create a new character. Personally I think you're just looking at shared experience wrong. People enjoy watching the same movie at the same time with their friends, then discussing it during and after. People enjoy being in a book club where everyone reads the same novel and discusses it. If people playing an MMO aren't doing the same quests how can they meaningfully ask each other for help or discuss their experience of the game's story?