
Want your oppinion on my graphics.

Started by May 13, 2011 12:49 AM
13 comments, last by guywithknife 13 years, 4 months ago
So I'm still contemplating if I want to hire someone to do the artwork for my game...though I'm satisfied with my abilities as an artist, but are you? This video is still an early representation of the final product, but If I do the art myself, it's pretty darn close to how it will look.

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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.
Don't know how fun the game is, or what platforms the game will be on, but a screenshot of that certainly wouldn't jump out at me to pay any money for it.
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I like it pretty much. This cartoonish theme just fits together. Sure it's not AAA+, I don't think it's supposed to right?

Previously "Krohm"

The little buildings and particle effects are great! :)
I think the chimney-ish missile ... launch ... pipes(?) could do with more detail, and the missiles could need both shading and detail.

But that's just my opinion.
I'd like to see a little more unified of a color scheme. Some more frames of animation would be good. A better bomb drawing that had some shading. The ground and stone textures are weird looking. It's certainly a solid effort, it's just obviously from an amateur.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

I guess it depends on your target market and sales plan, but if this is going up on Kong or something I'd rather play it in this style then if it was done professionally. The cartoon look is so hot right now.
You might want to fix the occlusion issue for the bombs, some of them flicker between back and forth.
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
The art quality isnt so bad. Just needs a bit more variety:

1.) Sky is boring.
2.) Dont have all the building windows on.
3.) Add some trees.
4.) Missile silos could have some ladders, attachments, and more variety in their texture.

Side note: make the bombs fall at different speeds for more game play variety.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

I like it pretty much. This cartoonish theme just fits together. Sure it's not AAA+, I don't think it's supposed to right?

Not aiming for AAA, probably, not even A+, I aim to release it for monetary value, but it's big goal is to help my lonely portfolio.

The little buildings and particle effects are great! :)
I think the chimney-ish missile ... launch ... pipes(?) could do with more detail, and the missiles could need both shading and detail.

But that's just my opinion.

Yeah I will add final touches in the end. As chimney ish as it looks, it's modeled after the one and only above ground missile silo picture I could find, after an hour of googling. I guess I didn't think about the fact that all missile silos are built into the ground.

You might want to fix the occlusion issue for the bombs, some of them flicker between back and forth.

It's something I've been having problems with for a while now, but have a simple solution (though it slows things down a little on my crappy laptop). It has to do with the way I sort things before rendering them, to take advantage of the zbuffer.

The art quality isnt so bad. Just needs a bit more variety:

1.) Sky is boring.
2.) Dont have all the building windows on.
3.) Add some trees.
4.) Missile silos could have some ladders, attachments, and more variety in their texture.

Side note: make the bombs fall at different speeds for more game play variety.

True true, maybe I asked this question too prematurely.

Even if I hire someone else, I wanted this kinda rough, cartoon look. Or make it look like everything is in a sketchbook. Rough, grey and white, no shading basically just outlines. It's my style when I draw free hand, believe it or not I'm actually a decent pen/pencil artist, I'm horrible with the mouse though.

Thank you guys for the feedback though... always helpful.
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.

Even if I hire someone else, I wanted this kinda rough, cartoon look. Or make it look like everything is in a sketchbook. Rough, grey and white, no shading basically just outlines.

From my experience, it's always difficult to communicate artistic view such as this to an artist. Self-taught artists tend to develop their own style. So they will be good at certain styles -- their styles -- and may have difficulties drawing in other styles.

It's my style when I draw free hand, believe it or not I'm actually a decent pen/pencil artist, I'm horrible with the mouse though.

Consider investing in a tablet. Worth every penny. Bought a Bamboo for ~$80 4 years ago, and I still use it.

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