
Taby and Owl's open discussion.

Started by May 07, 2011 07:14 AM
5 comments, last by Eelco 13 years, 4 months ago
So you brought up the subject of "my opinion" on prostitution. I'd like to exchange some points of views about it with the user Taby, openly. Maybe someone else can put us both on the right track..

So Taby, you were saying?

EDIT: lol
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
First off, I'd like to start by saying that you need to get some ginko biloba for your incredibly disabling memory issues.

See my post in the antimatter thread about how the Governments of Canada and Ontario blew their hundreds of millions of dollars on building a shrine in Waterloo for a false prophet of science, when it could have been put toward actual social progress.

The fact of the matter is that the Government of Canada and the Governor General have been sitting on their asses since December 2010 instead of strengthening the laws pertaining to the now legal prostitution industry. Perhaps if they hadn't blown their hundreds of millions of dollars on the Perimeter Institute (and just let RIM / Bank of Montreal foot the bill like they should have), they would now have the resources to form a steering committee to sort out these prostitution laws in a timely fashion?

Perhaps if there was a national registry, there would be less prostitutes being fed to pigs on farms (see Robert Pickton)? Perhaps if there was national awareness, and less stigma attached to prostitution, child prostitutes wouldn't be so afraid to speak out to the police / social services in order to get the help that they so desperately need / deserve (see Prince Albert, Saskatchewan)?

I've said all of this in public many times on many different websites. If you want to take up my time with a discussion, at least have the decency to go read my public opinion first. And no, I do not subscribe to the services provided by prostitutes. My wife is way too good in bed. Speaking of LOL, you should have followed me on twitter during the 41st Canadian federal election campaign this past month. I ran into a pseudofeminist twatface who went apeshit on me for defending the rights of prostitutes in Canada. Clearly she assumed that I just wanted to have attachment-free sex with women. She said something to the effect of "There are lot of women in this country who are fighting against exactly that kind of thinking!", to which I replied "What kind of thinking? I'm not thinking for the female prostitutes who just went through the Supreme Court of Ontario to have these rights enabled". That sure shut her the fuck up real quick. What a prejudicial know-nothing-about-actual-feminism matriarchal anti-Toni-Morrison dipshit.

I can only assume you started this thread with the intention of proving that I'm a liar. Obviously I am not.

P.S. In case you were wondering about my little comment on the AI board about Greek characters, that was directly aimed at one particular individual. They know who they are. It wasn't a generic asshole comment, so don't get paranoid.

P.P.S. Perhaps you might also want to discuss how it is now legal (as of April 2011) for Canadian citizens to grow and consume their own marijuana plants in the privacy of their own home? And no, I am not a habitual marijuana user.

First off, I'd like to start by saying that you need to get some ginko biloba for your incredibly disabling memory issues.

I'm glad to see that even when you've been acting like an attention whore these last three days you don't suffer from them and you are able appreciate the content of what I said at some point in time regardless of it's value. I really appreciate that. Honestly.

See my post in the antimatter thread about how the Governments of Canada and Ontario blew their hundreds of millions of dollars on building a shrine in Waterloo for a false prophet of science, when it could have been put toward actual social progress.

So, the whole point of your random rants in technical threads is about politics and how politicians (which most of them are widely accepted as necessary garbage) indirectly bug your spare time?

The fact of the matter is that the Government of Canada and the Governor General have been sitting on their asses since December 2010 instead of strengthening the laws pertaining to the now legal prostitution industry. Perhaps if they hadn't blown their money on something useless like the Perimeter Institute, they could have instead formed a steering committee to ensure the timely debate and passing of further law.

You know that people (yes actual people with feelings and IQ) willingly leave their families and countries to do such a job regardless of what the totally unknown "casual" politician in charge does. So, the point is moot here. At least for the ones "suffering" the consequences.

Perhaps if there was a national registry, there would be less prostitutes being fed to pigs on farms (see Robert Pickton)? Perhaps if there was national awareness, and less stigma attached to prostitution, child prostitutes wouldn't be so afraid to speak out to the police / social services in order to get the help that they so desperately need / deserve (see Prince Albert, Saskatchewan)?

People gives *really* a about other people and their problems. Child abuse is not a matter of national registry. It's a matter of how f.cked up the society already is. Be it for poverty, wars etc.
Kids are often afraid of everything. They will never speak out loud. A tiger might come over and eat them.

Is all that ok then? Of course not. But ranting about it in the physics forum won't change it. You know what I mean? In case you don't know, what could have a chance of changing it is YOU being THERE doing something about it PERSONALLY.

I've said all of this in public many times on many different websites. If you want to take up my time with a discussion, at least have the decency to go read my public opinion first. And no, I do not subscribe to the services provided by prostitutes. My wife is way too good in bed.

Well I do. Whenever I can afford it. And I try to be "at least" as gentle as they are with me. And from what I've been told, that's expecting too much from the usual customers.

P.S. In case you were wondering about my little comment on the AI board about Greek characters, that was directly aimed at one particular individual. They know who they are. It wasn't a generic asshole comment, so don't get paranoid.

I suffer from memory loss only when I get heavily drunk. I'm not taking your random behavior as a personal offence. I'm just benefiting myself from your willingness to openly speak your random thoughts and I'm glad you have the guts to continue them where they belong.

P.P.S. Perhaps you might also want to discuss how it is now legal (as of April 2011) for Canadian citizens to grow and consume their own marijuana plants. I am not a habitual marijuana user, but I'll discuss it.

I don't give a about laws. How you deal with your c[font="arial, sans-serif"]onscience is the only thing that matters.[/font]
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Dude, please reread my posts.

1) I am against liars who slam string theory. The "alternative" is Quantum Graphity / Loop Quantum Gravity, which like I said, is an incorrect theory. If these rocket surgeons at the Perimeter Institute had actually tested their model using a simple computer code, they would have found gravity to be repulsive in all cases, and they wouldn't have published their nonsense papers. I mean, it took me 1 month of design, 2 weeks of C++ coding, and 6 pages of documentation to show this flaw. So no, this isn't me being some average citizen bitching about the government. I am also an actual amateur physicist with actual theoretical evidence to show that these Woit / Smolin soundbites that forsandifs keeps repeating are utter lies. Believe me, I read Woit and Smolins' books, and I bought into them wholeheartedly at first. I'm not prejudicial. If I was the attention whore that you claim I am, I would have went ahead with the publication process on these papers -- the final one only needed more references, according to the editorial board, but I intentionally decided not to follow through because everyone of importance already knew that my papers show that the QG/LQG model is utterly and irreversibly fucked. Plus I had slipped an extra section in there with tons of bullshit about entropy and information theory, and it would have been entirely fraudulent to actually go ahead with the publication, knowing that it was false.

2) I certainly didn't respond to Yann in the same manner as I did to forsandifs when there was confusion about when the aether was reintroduced into relativity theory. Yann had good intentions, whereas forsandifs clearly does not. Yann taught me practically everything I know about Navier-Stokes. forsandifs has only taught me that liars will say anything / change their story in order to worm their way out of an apology. Again, I am not prejudicial.

3) A national registry has nothing to do with child abuse.

I refuse to converse further until you actually read what I say.

Speaking of LOLs. I ran into an actual feminist on twitter who said "Your tweets are so sweet and fluffy, they give me penis envy. I wish I could piss my name all over them!", to which I replied "Your tweets are so sweet and fluffy, they give me vagina dentata envy. I wish I could eat them all up!". It was a good laugh, and we had good times.
Alright :)
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

Alright :)

Night night dude. I still think of you as my dear sweet LOwL, no matter how much that annoys you. I know your intentions are good 99.99999% of the time.
*Stamp of approval*

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