[quote name='owl' timestamp='1304914266' post='4808368']
[quote name='capn_midnight' timestamp='1304913284' post='4808365']
I'm actually not working on any games right now. My current project is a solar-powered water desalinization system. I have an idea for how to build paraboloid mirrors and sun-tracking systems very cheaply, so I will be trying it out pretty soon (i.e. as soon as I get my first pay check at my new job so I can buy supplies).
Cool! Besides that, are you still pushing the BAR thing?
Yeah, I'm still brewing, I'm still learning more about the food industry, I just can't do it until I have more funds and a proper partner. Turns out my friend who said he wanted to sell me his bar was full of shit. I knew he was lazy, but I didn't realize he just straight up bullshits all the time. Apparently, he had just been telling people he wanted to sell to drum up interest in the place. I don't really know why he thought attracting potential investors would attract new customers, but he's has a lot of strange ideas anyway. Anyway, at least I didn't learn the hard way that he'd make a bad business partner.
I'm trying to focus a lot more on small, obtainable projects these days. The solar-death-ray-cum-water-purifier is something were there are no original parts, just an original combination. I have a second project that is super-secret (I can say that it's a music toy, I'm trying to get this one patented), I have all the parts to build it, I've done some simple prototypes, I just need to put soldering iron to PCB. I recently posted about a Tetris game I wrote where two players competed against each other by arm wrestling, that was a fun build and a very good mix of 80% things I know and 20% new things to learn, instead of more like 50/50 on previous projects. Seems to be working out well.
Yeah. The initial investment is the hardest part of opening such a business. For the water purifier are you going to use
one of these?