Tagg is a FPS that takes place in a colorless world where all characters, maps, and objects are blank canvases. The guns used in Tagg are similar to paintball guns, shooting out globs of paint, anything that comes into contact with it will slowly start turning that color.
There are three different multiplayer gametypes in Tagg; Clash, Hit and Run, and Tag!. Other games are being thought of and can be added at a later date.
- Clash: Clash is similar in theory to a two-sided infection game. The gametype starts out with two opposing teams. The main goal is to "convert" as many oppenents on to your team as you can. Once you've killed someone, they will respawn on your team. People will be constantly switching back and forth between teams, so scoring is based on individual kills and not teams. The game/round ends when everyone has been converted onto one team or the time runs out.
- Hit and Run: Hit and Run is a standard two team gametype. The team with the most kills by the end of the game wins.
-Tag!: Tag! is similar to a juggernaut game. A random player will be choosen as "It". "It"s goal is to kill all other player before the round/game ends. He will also have modified stats (health, speed) to help him face the odds. All other players goal is to stay alive to the end of the round/game, and if possible kill "It".
No story is in development at the moment. It is still uncertian if there will be a story mode or not.
Developer Roles:
Programer (c++, C#, web based languages): Spots available.
Artist (Ps/Ai, Texture, concept, marketing): Spots available.
3D Model/Animator (Maya, Blender): Spots available.
Designer (Writer, gameplay, player investment, maps): Spots available.
I've been programming and using 3D modeling programs as a hobby for years, but Its always been my dream to make a game. And this is something that really hit me and made me say "Wow!" So having no actual professional work or experience I'm new to the whole process. But I can't wait to dive in. Thank!
What is this post for? Are you asking for feedback on your design? If you were wanting to recruit, please go to the helpwanted forum and follow the stickied mandatory posting template instead.
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
This was mainly just for feedback. I wanted to see what everyone thought as far as the idea goes. Sorry for the miscommunication.
When reading your post, and the description of your game, I mistakenly thought this was a archaic post for the game "Tag: The power of paint".
You might want to change your game's name to avoid confusion. The original Tag game is black-and-white and you have a gun that shoots out globs of colorful paint (note how similar that sounds to your description? Hence the confusion. Similar names make the confusion even worse). Even if your actual gameplay is entirely different (which is what it sounds like), the descriptions and names are so similar that people are bound to make mistakes.
You'd especially ought to change the name of your project, since Tag: The power of Paint has alot of attention on it, since the team that made that game got hired by Valve to implement Tag's features in the recently released Portal 2 game.
People searching for your game will accidentally find their game, and vice versa. It is in your benefit to change the name of your game, especially while it's at such an early stage.
You might want to change your game's name to avoid confusion. The original Tag game is black-and-white and you have a gun that shoots out globs of colorful paint (note how similar that sounds to your description? Hence the confusion. Similar names make the confusion even worse). Even if your actual gameplay is entirely different (which is what it sounds like), the descriptions and names are so similar that people are bound to make mistakes.
You'd especially ought to change the name of your project, since Tag: The power of Paint has alot of attention on it, since the team that made that game got hired by Valve to implement Tag's features in the recently released Portal 2 game.
People searching for your game will accidentally find their game, and vice versa. It is in your benefit to change the name of your game, especially while it's at such an early stage.
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