
Game Outline Feedback: Razelbaun: The Cursed Lands

Started by April 24, 2011 11:19 PM
1 comment, last by RafaelVazquezJimenez 13 years, 9 months ago
[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Here again posting my second game outline. This is perhaps more ambitious than the other game but I plan to make a demo version of it eventually when i get the time to work on it. Again thanks for the feedback and if there are any questions bring them and I'll shall post back as soon as possible.[/font]rolleyes.gif

(I fixed some errors that were made by copy pasting from word while it was right on word it didn't pasted the right way combining words so if there are still some errors let me know and I'll fix em ASAP )

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Project Name: [/font] Razelbaun: The Cursed Lands

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Genre: [/font] Action RPG

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Story Sinopsis:[/font]

The Land of Harmony Razelbaun has been losing their humanity a mysterious curse. The land has been overrun by ferocious beasts which have been assumed to be the lost citizens of the lands. Only one with the right powers can find the source of this curse and save humanity. Can he bring us purification? Or will he fall in the same fate of all the others?

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Features: [/font]

- Big world full of exploration.

- Over 150 weapons to collect.

- Uniquetale with over 15 hours of gameplay.

- Newgame + brings harder difficulty and new boss battles.

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Main Character and Description:[/font]

Nathanael Roivas. He is mute by unknown reasons but he is a nice person helping as much as he can and shows he cares about the well being of the people of the land.Nathanael has an average build and his power of summoning weapons has been something that have never been seen before and people believe that he might have holy powers to save everyone from the end of times. Nathanael it’s willing to sacrifice himself to save the land. Not much is known about Nathanael past since he appeared on a night with some travelers that were passing by but it seems he is loved and respected by almost everyone around the land.

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Gameplay Mechanics: [/font]

- Create a pack of Runes which summons all kinds of weapons to kill the beasts.

- Realtime combat.

- Level up to carry more runes powers and gain new abilities to your command.

- Explore the lands to get all the rune powers which will contain some hard to find ones.

- Simple puzzle solving elements which brings extra experience by solving. (Most of the times this puzzles can be skipped but you will not gain any exp for skipping)

- All weapons can be upgraded to other stronger ones and even be cloned.

- The weapons gain experience by usage.

- Change between combat mode and exploration mode to play with different mechanics.

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]How does it plays?:[/font] The camera style is top down view.

- 4 attack buttons.

- 1 dodge button.

- 1 combine button : These fuses some weapons that can be combined to

Others to make stronger and deadlier attacks.

- 1 Discard weapon button. (If you don’t want to use one weapon at the moment use this and press the attack button you want to change and will be thelast card on the deck.

- 1 change mode. ( change between combat and adventure mode to play with other abilities)

- Jump, Climb, Look and other unlockable abilities.

- To use the weapons you need essence. The essences will replenish themselves by time (slowly) or by using items or enemy drops.

- When you run out of weapons the deck of weapons will shuffle and you will have again your weapons so not worrying out of running out of attacks.

- The currency in the game is Ghios.(Or Ghio)

- Inventory System: Here you have all items you can use for the quest.

- To create a deck u need to enter a special area with an altar that lets you create your deck or modify the deck. ( You can save alternate decks for later usage)

- Find new weapons by exploring, killing bosses or buying them at a store.

- Puzzle solving its optional to get extra experience but some weapon might be only found by doing some of these puzzles.

- Sidequest style is divided by play style: Combat, Adventure and Mixed style.

- These sidequest can be taken from any city guild. Some of the sidequest might be by limited time so be wise and do some quest before doing some main quests.

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Visual Presentation:[/font][font="Arial, sans-serif"]Isometric view with polygonal environments and characters. The environments varies between Mountains, Beaches, Forrest, Caves, Cities and others.[/font]

[font="Arial, sans-serif"] [/font]

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Interface:[/font][font="Arial, sans-serif"] The interface needs to be as clean aspossible. The attacks will be shown on the lower right side of the screen.Combos are shown on the higher right side. No health bar however when health is low the whole game visuals will go into a slow motion and motion blur effect.If the user wants to move things of the interface to other sides or turn the whole interface off it’s an option.[/font]

[font="Arial, sans-serif"]Musicalization:[/font][font="Arial, sans-serif"] [/font][font="Arial, sans-serif"]The music styles are Bossa Nova, Orchestra,New Age and Celtic. [/font]

Some of the sidequest might be by limited time[/quote]

This isn't fun for most people in practice.


Some of the sidequest might be by limited time

This isn't fun for most people in practice.


Noted, I shall perhaps take that one out.

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