This is a part of my AI project. I have to implement a bot, which occupies a square, in a field of LXW squares. If a square in the field is empty, it has value 0, if it is occupied by an object, its value is 1. A continuous set of squares with value 1 is called an object.
I have to figure out the identity and location of all objects in the field
I have the following info :
sense() : this function returns occupancy status of my neighbouring 8 squares
move(x) : allows me to move to a neighbouring square in x direction
getId(x) : gives me id of object in x direction wrt me, and if there is no object, returns -1
However, whenever I call a sense or getID function, the object can move to a different position with a small probability
I was thinking of using BFS to traverse the grid. Or would it be better to keep a list of already traversed positions and move randomly? What are some of the AI techniques that I could use to solve this problem? How about some planning techniques?
This is a part of my AI project. I have to implement a bot, which occupies a square, in a field of LXW squares. If a square in the field is empty, it has value 0, if it is occupied by an object, its value is 1. A continuous set of squares with value 1 is called an object.
I have to figure out the identity and location of all objects in the field
I have the following info :
sense() : this function returns occupancy status of my neighbouring 8 squares
move(x) : allows me to move to a neighbouring square in x direction
getId(x) : gives me id of object in x direction wrt me, and if there is no object, returns -1
However, whenever I call a sense or getID function, the object can move to a different position with a small probability
I was thinking of using BFS to traverse the grid. Or would it be better to keep a list of already traversed positions and move randomly? What are some of the AI techniques that I could use to solve this problem? How about some planning techniques?
I have the following info :
sense() : this function returns occupancy status of my neighbouring 8 squares
move(x) : allows me to move to a neighbouring square in x direction
getId(x) : gives me id of object in x direction wrt me, and if there is no object, returns -1
However, whenever I call a sense or getID function, the object can move to a different position with a small probability
I was thinking of using BFS to traverse the grid. Or would it be better to keep a list of already traversed positions and move randomly? What are some of the AI techniques that I could use to solve this problem? How about some planning techniques?
move(x) : allows me to move to a neighbouring square in x direction
getId(x) : gives me id of object in x direction wrt me, and if there is no object, returns -1
However, whenever I call a sense or getID function, the object can move to a different position with a small probability
I was thinking of using BFS to traverse the grid. Or would it be better to keep a list of already traversed positions and move randomly? What are some of the AI techniques that I could use to solve this problem? How about some planning techniques?