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Started by April 10, 2011 03:51 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 13 years, 10 months ago

1. I know I haven't given a lot of details, but what would be a guess on a standard wage for an animator doing this kind of job? For a programmer?
2. Which programming language do you think would be best to develop the demo in? I plan to film myself playing the level to use as a game demo video as well as put the playable demo on disk so that I can play it in front of potential investors.
3. Any miscellaneous advice for an aspiring game developer such as myself.

1. Whatever the standard wage is in your area. Be prepared for it to take a lot of time, many people understimate the requirements of custom software development. Often "just a demo" means doing most of the work required for a polished product.
2. Since you are paying somebody else to do it, I suggest you let them decide what is best for them.
3. It sounds more like you are an aspiring business owner. I suggest that you figure out the cost of wages and the costs of software development for your entire project before you approach investors. It is a very important part of your business plan, and should be carefully developed.
Hi Travis,
This isn't a Breaking In topic, so I'm moving it to Business (since you're asking Business questions about how much to pay someone and how to get investors, etc.).

1. You can get salary information in the 2010 Salary Survey.

2a. Your lead programmer should decide what language is best.

2b. Your investors will be more impressed with a business plan than a video of gameplay.

3. Yes. First, figure out what your overall goal is. Is it to become an independent solo game developer? Is it to become the head of an independent game development company? Or something else? Then figure out what your publishing method and your monetization method are, and research other businesses that have used those methods, and write a business plan. Read

-- Tom Sloper --

[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the quick replies! I've learned alot from what you all said, and I do agree that I am more of an aspiring business owner than a game designer.[/font]

I will be graduating this May from the University of La Verne with a BS in Business Administration and I have a years experience designing iPhone games, and with this combined knowledge, I would like to start an independent game development company that develops the game aspects that I design. See, I am a visionary, but I am not artistically inclined. I have a friend who is helping me with all the art concepts since I cannot draw very well. However, I have drafted several business plans while in school and several GDD's while at my previous job, so I am skilled in this area. So during this process of having the demo made, I will be completing a full business plan and GDD that I will use together for my investor pitch.

I have recently identified a budget for the demo and have begun hiring contractors. I will keep you all up to date on my progress.

Thank you again,
Travis Marshall

P.S. Tom Sloper, I'm familiar with your blog about independent game developers and I used it a lot to figure out my approach to this project!

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