
What to take?

Started by January 04, 2000 08:52 PM
3 comments, last by The Peoples Champ 25 years, 2 months ago
I just got into game programming and don''t know much, but I like to plan ahead. I was looking at those Game Design schools like Digipen but they are far away and pretty expensive. I just plan to go to a regular college and take computer courses there. However, I''m not exactly sure what classes I have to take and I would hate to not take an essential class to get hired at a company. Can anyone help me out on what to take?
Most colleges have a set of required classes.
For example, at my school, we need 3 physics, 3 calc(math), 1 discrete math, and a bunch of CIS classes. This is for a Bachelor of Science degree.

We also have a BA(arts) in CIS. This is the ''less intense'' degree. Physics is maybe one class.

For game programming, you want a strong understanding of math and physics. If you go to a good school, you shouldn''t need to worry. You''ll have to take those courses anyway... your only responsibility is to understand the material.

Thanks, My strong points are math and science so that should be an advantage. I have Visual Basic book and I do a little with that, But I was gonna start learning C++. I checked out the books on this site and they looked good, except there are a lot to chose from. Can anyone tell me what books they used or what books they would recommend for a beginner like me to get?
I reccomend getting a generic C++ book first(like Learn C++ in 24 hours). Then get one of Andre Lamothe''s books. I reccomend Windows Game Programming For Dummies. Its really good and is like only $20 on barnes and noble .com He has a new one out called Tricks Of The Windows Game Programing Gurus. That one has a bit bigger price tag ($45) but its longer. I don''t have that one so I really can''t review much on it.

C++ Rocks
Back to the original topic...
__I go to a technical community college. There are two ways to learn programming; through the Computer Science department or through the Business Department. Which would you recommend?
__Now, before everyone goes and says, "duh! CompSci!", I''m looking for the more practical route. That is, I''m usually doing art, music, sound, etc. more than coding and don''t have the time (at least not right now) to get a degree in Computer Science.
__My question comes down to this then; will I get more about programming from one CompSci course or more from one Biz course?
(Now that I''ve really got my one question screwed up, can anyone recommend a good OpenGL book, too?)

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