
Marketing Your Software as an Indie Software Developer?

Started by March 27, 2011 04:41 PM
2 comments, last by mmakrzem 13 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I've built this software I've been working on for a long time and I think it's ready for beta testing and getting feedback from people and it's a one man team so I've been doing all the work myself. Anyways what I built is a image editor called "Digital Symbol Studio" and it works like a vector image editor almost, but anyways I thought if I mentioned what I made I could get better feedback on how to market it.

Anyways I have it for Windows and Mac and I know I could release the software on the App store, but it's a beta testing build and having a beta in the app store for free is kinda pointless if I'm going to have a finished version soon after and the software will come with a "lite" version which is free and the full feature version is kind of a name your price at the moment, but it could change.

So, how can a indie software developer such as myself market my software to consumers online without being rejected by admins on forums posting that I'm looking for beta testers? Am I perhaps going in the wrong direction? What are some methods I could do to increase consumers even if I have to do something in real life?

I was thinking on finding tattoo artists willing to try out my software and getting their opinions about it and seeing after they use it to get a profit out of the hole deal, but I kinda want to expand online as well.

Thank you, ajm.
Check out my open source code projects/libraries! My Homepage You may learn something.
Moving to Business/Law, as this has basically zilch to do with software engineering.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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Moving to Business/Law, as this has basically zilch to do with software engineering.

Oops, sorry. I kinda just woke up from bed and didn't notice which category I was in.
Check out my open source code projects/libraries! My Homepage You may learn something.
Sounds to me like you need to find some friends that are willing to try the software out in a real-world setting. You won't be able to sell the software until you can prove to people that it actual does work properly. Depending on the niche market, try going to some tradeshows or some conferences that focus on the area in which your software is most likely to be used in. Then try to pitch it to people at those places to try to get them to use it.

Good luck!

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