
what does deferred rendering mean?

Started by March 17, 2011 06:02 AM
1 comment, last by zer0wolf 13 years, 6 months ago
I sent an email to synapse gaming about the sunburn engine

My question to them was if the indie version of the engine has 2D light and shadows as seen in this video

The email response I got was [font="Arial"]"[color="#2A2A2A"]SunBurn Indie includes all features except for deferred rendering and [color="#2A2A2A"]post processing."[/font]
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[font="Arial"][color="#2A2A2A"]Im guessing post processing means effects like motion blur and HDR lighting, but what does deferred rendering mean?[/font]
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[font="Arial"][color="#2A2A2A"]Sorry if this question sounds noob, Im an artist so Im a little uneducated in the tech field.[/font]
[font="Arial"][color="#2A2A2A"]But I do appreciate any help anybody can give me. thanks a lot.[/font]
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I cannot answer the question, but I think you would have more success is your post had a meaningful title. What about "what does deferred rendering mean?"
Deferred Rendering
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter

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