
You Know What I Wish?

Started by March 07, 2011 06:09 PM
24 comments, last by d000hg 13 years, 6 months ago
It wasn't bad. I actually thought the delivery was pitched well for the source material. That said, the material just wasn't that funny. It suffers from what I call SNL comedy syndrome. Most of it is almost funny, with moments of genuine comedy interspersed. Can't really be more constructive, as comedy is really subjective.

But good on him for giving it a go.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

[quote name='Fl4sh' timestamp='1299534521' post='4782983'] That guy isn't funny...not even if I was there. Guy: "I'm stoned, could you imagine being bolemic FOREVURR" Audience: "hehehehehe" Those weren't even real laughs. They were more like "wow this guy isn't funny but lemme make the best of this". ohmy.gif
<BR><BR>You know what I wish?<BR><BR>I wish haters would take the time to finish whatever it is they are hating on. I mean, Fl4sh, I guarntee if you watched the entire clip, you would have found that a) the people were actually very into the comedy, and B) there's a lot of other things you could have hated on. I do appreciate the thread bump though, high 5!
[/quote]Nice of you to respect other peoples' opinions grim. I mean obviously comedy is not at all subjective and we're idiots if we don't agree with what you think is funny.

You know what I wish? That people would preview their posts and spot that they totally screwed up the HTML. Use that in your act.

You know what I wish? That people would preview their posts and spot that they totally screwed up the HTML. Use that in your act.
The new forum software's "rich editor" occasionally mangles HTML code into posts after you hit the 'Add Reply' button.

[quote name='d000hg' timestamp='1300153646' post='4785868']
You know what I wish? That people would preview their posts and spot that they totally screwed up the HTML. Use that in your act.
The new forum software's "rich editor" occasionally mangles HTML code into posts after you hit the 'Add Reply' button.
yea, that's what happened to me, I hadn't written any html tags, they were placed themselves.

@d00gh again a hater falls on his face
You know what i wish ? I wish i could meet some of you in real life ! I wish you could come to my show and watch me get introduced as the Local Favorite :) Then i wish that you would try to heckle me so i could burn your fucking ass infront of a real live audience ! Yes i said real live audience ! Thats it :) if you dont like that, its cool ! they're my wishes :)
does it matter what i say anyway ? No !
Look my reputation is 0 :( Dang it !
does it matter what i say anyway ? No ! Look my reputation is 0 :( Dang it ! &lt;-----------
lolercaust. looks like u just grew by one.<BR>[quote name='RivieraKid']i also think this is not funny but at least hes confident and doesnt pause looking like a tool.the material is really bad. [/quote]What material would you suggest?

[quote name='Hodgman' timestamp='1300156615' post='4785879']
[quote name='d000hg' timestamp='1300153646' post='4785868']
You know what I wish? That people would preview their posts and spot that they totally screwed up the HTML. Use that in your act.
The new forum software's "rich editor" occasionally mangles HTML code into posts after you hit the 'Add Reply' button.
yea, that's what happened to me, I hadn't written any html tags, they were placed themselves.

@d00gh again a hater falls on his face
Is it too much trouble to READ what you post? If labelling anyone who doesn't agree with you as a hater makes you feel better then go for it. I didn't even watch the clip though. I think your ego is too fragile to be involved in entertainment though.
I wish I hadn't read or replied to this thread :D
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
is it really that big of a deal that a few break tags got inserted into the post after clicking the reply button? You must really take posting to heart, and quite honestly if it bothers you that much then don't read the freakin thread.

as far as hating, i called out 2 as haters, you d000gh & fl4sh. your post was hating on something unrelated and insignificant to the thread, and fl4sh was just being a deusch.

moving on. I wish all online applications had a feature that gives you the ability to not accept new features, ever. I mean honestly. I don't think I'm the only one with this issue, i'm chilling with my buddy and his relatively new gf and they're getting in a fight because he can't figure out how to change his relationship status, she doesn't believe this to her it's simple ... . GDev, I know it's been a while since i last used your system, it's completely different too. Look the grief it's causing me so far, got this d000gh guy all over my nutz because your app. inserst extra html tags (seems like it happens when you hit enter after quote brackets)

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